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Bromeliaceae es una gran familia de plantas herbáceas nativas de las Américas. Al igual que muchas orquídeas, crecen de forma natural en las ramas de árboles o sobre rocas y acantilados. Las bromelias son muy apreciadas por sus colores increíbles y su facilidad para crecer en macetas.
Le ofrecemos una gran selección de bromelias que nunca encontrará en centros de jardinería de Europa. Los grandes distribuidores venden principalmente híbridos verdes y con hojas delgadas. Nuestra tienda mantiene un catálogo creciente, con especies con las hojas más resistentes y más coloridas, y que están mejor adaptadas al frío y al calor para la vida al aire libre. Todas nuestras bromelias se envían como "cachorros" a raíz desnuda. Éstos son los retoños basales robustos producidos después de la floración. Las bromelias viajan increíblemente bien por mensajería y también son baratas de enviar. Nuestros robustos retoños a menudo florecen en menos de un año.
Supreme cold-hardy hybrid of the outrageously beautiful Androlepis skinneri and the robust frost-hardy Aechmea distichantha.
Mid to Large bromeliad from Bahia, still uncommon in cultivation. Leaves are glossy, yellow-green, with the tips "painted with red nail polish".
Large landscaping bromeliad with wide, hard leaves. Colour turns from green to purple or orange-yellow according to light and temperature. Ornamental pink-orange inflorescences in Summer, lasting 2-3 months. Hardy to light, short frost.
One of the best large bromeliads, widely used in tropical garden design. Leaves reach intense orange-yellow colour in full sun. Native to the Atlantic coast of Brazil. Hardy to about -1 C (30 F).
We only make a few of these each year! Striped orange-blanchetianas make a rainbow of colour changing through the seasons.
One of the best large bromeliads, perfect for tropical garden design. So red!
Buy here an adult sized specimen of this landscaping bromeliad, about 80-100 cm tall. We will select a plant which is ready to flower in less than one year, in the following June-August season. Then the show will last until Christmas. Large blanchetianas are a must in tropical gardening and will soon form showy colourful masses.
Frost-hardy Aechmea with blue-tipped green leaves, from the outskirts of a city named Blumenau, in the cool, wet South of Brazil. Spikes of yellow flowers are followed by colourful fruits, lasting months. It can take -7 C (20 F).
NEW ! - A selected clone with some pink on the leaves. A seedling we picked from a wild-collected seed batch.
Large and beautiful landscaping bromeliad, about 1 m tall, with wide, thick leaves and showy inflorescences, lasting for months. It loves hot and sunny conditions. Leaf colour is olive green and turns to intense pink in full sun.
This clone is very different from most types of Aechmea bromeliifolia in cultivation,being smaller, with softer leaves and smaller spines. Leaves often show golden to copper or purple tones: very ornamental. It is "trailing" because rosettes grow elongated stems and so they grow taller, and they can eventually creep or climb.
Large and beautiful landscaping bromeliad, about 1 m tall, with wide, thick leaves and showy inflorescences, lasting for months. It loves hot and sunny conditions. Leaf colour is olive green and turns to intense pink in full sun.
Large and beautiful landscaping bromeliad, about 1 m tall, with wide, thick leaves and showy inflorescences, lasting for months. It loves hot and sunny conditions. Leaf colour is olive green and turns to intense pink in full sun.
Large and beautiful landscaping bromeliad, about 1 m tall, with wide, thick leaves and showy inflorescences, lasting for months. It loves hot and sunny conditions. Leaf colour is olive green and turns to intense pink in full sun.
Aechmea caudata, tailed bromeliad, with blue leaf tips and centers, bright yellow and orange flowers.This species is endemic to the forests and mangroves of the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil.
Rosettes with spineless, green-silvery leaves bear powdery pink spikes with sky-blue flowers in late summer - "Coelestis" means sky-blue! Then, colourful pink-orange fruits will persist through winter until mid-spring. It does fine in cool temperatures but should be protected from frost.
En estos momentos tenemos pocos productos en esta categoría Bromelias