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Las Islas Canarias son un paraíso para las frutas exóticas y ofrecemos la selección más grande de Europa en árboles frutales tropicales. Canarius envía muchas variedades de mango, papaya, litchi y caña de azúcar; y también las especies más comunes, tales como carambola, longan, noni y el auténtico árbol del caca. Sólo las mejores variedades son producidas e injertadas sobre los rizomas más fuertes. Los árboles frutales tropicales se dan mejor en zonas cálidas, pero muchos también prosperan en climas mediterráneos, donde el mango, el aguacate y el lichi pueden soportar heladas ligeras y dar frutos con regularidad.
Rooted cutting of 20-25 cm. A good pollinator Hylocereus used by cultivators of Reunión Island for H. undatus, H. purpusii e H. hybrids. The taste of the fruits is not the best but it is still nice to eat.
We offer a rooted cutting of 20-25 cm
This thornless variety comes from the genus Hylocereus and an unknown species native to Nicaragua. The fruits average size is a pound with thick pink skin with green fins and it has deep red flesh. The most interesting aspect of this variety is its lack of spins.Rooted cutting of 20-25 cm.
Wild dragonfruit with red, sweet and tasty fruits. It grows wild in central america in dry forests. This is the ancestor of many modern hybrids and to many conoisseurs it is still the tastiest, and the "real thing". Its fruits are all-red, especially rich in healthy indicaxanthin anti-oxidants.
20-25 cm Rooted cutting. A climbing cactus with excellent fruits, with purple skin and flesh. It is a very good pollinator for the other ones. It needs a pollinator, and the best is H. undatus. VISIT OUR SECTION OF FRUIT TREES A-Z AND FIND MANY MORE HYLOCEREUS
"Self-pollinating" cultivar with large oval shaped fruit up to 700g in weight, with a skin which is at first light green with pinkish shades which darken to pinkish red as the fruit ripens. The flesh is dark purple colour with many small dark edible seeds. The taste of this variety is described as very peculiar and pleasant to the palate.
The tomato tree or tamarillo is a small tree from the Andes which grows fruits similar to tomatoes.
This is a yellow fruited selection of the well known tomato tree or tamarillo.
40-60 cm tall plants - Elegant, impressive shrub with edible fruits and huge velvety leaves, dark green with purple fuzz, up to 50 cm wide! Lulo originated in the Andes at high elevation. It is fast growing and likes cool conditions of 10-25 C but it is frost sensitive. Our plants will set fruits in a few months. cool conditions of 10-25 C but it is...
Evergreen tree, 10-30 m tall, known for its wood of supreme quality, but also fot its ornamental and medicinal uses.
What can we say about this? At this point everybody has heard about "miracle fruit"...
What can we say about this? At this point everybody has heard about "miracle fruit"...
Magnificent fruit tree with ornamental glossy red fruits and neat foliage. This Water Apple was originally imported from Australia as "Syzygium sp. Cold Hardy". Its fruits are the largest and beautiful of all the S. aqueum we tested. We know nothing about it cold-hardiness but yes, it keeps on growing during our cooler months.
Magnificent fruit tree with ornamental glossy red fruits and neat foliage. This Water Apple was originally imported from Australia as "Syzygium sp. Cold Hardy". Its fruits are the largest and beautiful of all the S. aqueum we tested. We know nothing about it cold-hardiness but yes, it keeps on growing during our cooler months.
Shrub to medium size tree from South Africa to Mozambique. It has a very dense foliage and edible purple-black sweet fruits, very rich in anti-oxidants. It stands harsh conditions and grows in Mediterranean to Tropical conditions.
Shrub to medium size tree from South Africa to Mozambique. It has a very dense foliage and edible purple-black sweet fruits, very rich in anti-oxidants. It stands harsh conditions and grows in Mediterranean to Tropical conditions.
En estos momentos tenemos pocos productos en esta categoría Frutales Tropicales