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We offer 5 plants of different named species of our choice - much like the ones in the picture. Ask if you want to know which species are available. - Cont.= 6 cm, sent bare-rooted.
We offer 5 plants of different named species of our choice. Ask if you want to know which species are available. of the following size:
Cont.=6 cm. Container size will give you an idea, but succulents are often sent bare root. These plants are very tolerant of bare-rooting.
Cultivada | Protegido |
Origen de la especie | África |
Forma presentación | A raíz desnuda |
Familia Botánica | Xanthorrhoeaceae |
Tipo de planta | Herbácea |
Cuidados | Maceta |
Forma | Crasas o suculentas |