Hoya pubicalyx 'Pink Silver'

Cont.= 8,5 cm - Beautiful pink-flowered clone of Hoya pubicalyx. It is an easy growing succulent climber from the Philippines. Flowers are pink and have lots of flecks. It will grow in bright shade or morning sun.

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13,10 €

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Hoya Pink Silver is a beautiful pink-flowered, Hoya selection. Hoya pubicalyx is an easy growing succulent climber from the Philippines. Flowers are pink and have lots of flecks.

Hoyas in general are twining vines. They usually live in rainforests, on trees. Many species like this one are easy to grow because they can grow in many different conditions. They grow in bright shade or morning sun but they will also grow indoors as house plants as long as bright light is provided. They are well suited for baskets, trellises or ladders. They will tolerate a few weeks of drought but they are sensitive to frost and cold weather in general. Hoyas grow in fluffy soil with organic matter and sand or other draining materials.

We offer a rooted plant, grown in an 8,5-12 cm pot. Container size will give you an idea, but succulent plants are often sent bare root. These plants are very tolerant of bare-rooting. If you want to learn more about what we ship, then click this LINK and see pictures of our plants on the packing desk.

Cultivada Protegido
Origen de la especie Asia
Forma presentación A raíz desnuda
Tamaño Máx. 70cm-200cm
Familia Botánica Apocynaceae
Luz Sombra
Temperatura mínima invierno 0 ºC a 10 ºC
Época de floración Meses más cálidos
Tipo de planta Herbácea
Cuidados Maceta
Forma Herbáceas