Musa x 'Teparod' - Teparod Banana

Teparod is a very different ABB banana, placed in its own subgroup named Klue Teparod, It has an excellent taste, reminiscent of Saba bananas.

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64,30 €

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Teparod is a very different ABB banana, placed in its own subgroup named Klue Teparod, It has an excellent taste, reminiscent of Saba bananas. Kluai Tiparot. This cultivar is notoriously unstable and it bears different types of bunches and sizes of fruits. Teparod can produce fruit bunches either with or without a male bud. Normal bunches with male buds are pendant and produce five to seven hands fruits, the upper hands will have much larger fruits, while the lower hands will bear shorter ones. In turn, bunches with no male buds are horizontal or upright and normally produce only two hands of enrmous fruits, Furthermore, in some cases the rachis of a normal fruit bunch will split and produce two or more male buds! The name Teparod, or Tiparot, is used in Thailand and also now internationally, but this same banana is known from adjoining areas with different names, such as Chouoi Gao in Vietnam and Balonkawe in the Philippines.

We ship a stout rooted sucker, not a potted plant. You will receive it with the corm wrapped in a bag with moist sphagnum or perlite.

In spring, suckers may not have roots. In this case, suckers are easy to root if temperatures are kept between 20 and 30 C.

Cultivada Protegido
Origen de la especie Asia
Forma presentación A raíz desnuda
Familia Botánica Musaceae
Cuidados Maceta
Forma Herbáceas