Philodendron x 'BGB' - Big Glorious Bastard

This is a hybrid climbing Philodendron, with exciting leaves. BGB is a fancy name meaning Big Glorious Bastard (with a mix of references to its hybrid origin,to its P. gloriosum parent and to the movie "Inglorious bastards" It is a cross of Philodendron gloriosum and Philodendron giganteum.

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70,00 €

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This is a hybrid climbing Philodendron, with exciting leaves. BGB is a fancy name meaning Big Glorious Bastard (with a mix of references to its hybrid origin,to its P. gloriosum parent and to the movie "Inglorious bastards" It is a cross of Philodendron gloriosum and Philodendron giganteum. Giganteum gave the climbing habit, the rubbery leaf texture and resistance to dry air. Gloriosum gave a more ornamental touch with showy veins and margins. This plant will grow well on a totem or a wall. The cross was developed by Chris Hall and Ardean Dearden in their garden and nursery in Cairns, Australia
Cultivada Protegido
Origen de la especie América
Forma presentación En maceta (mezcla de sustratos)
Familia Botánica Araceae
Luz Media
Tipo de planta Herbácea
Color Verde
Color Rojo
Cuidados Plantas de interior
Forma Trepadoras