Plumeria obtusa 'Cuban Dwarf'

Dwarf, shrubby plumeria, probably selected from the wild forms of Plumeria obtusa that grow on the hills in Northern Cuba.

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34,20 €

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Dwarf, shrubby plumeria, probably selected from the wild forms of Plumeria obtusa that grow on the hills in Northern Cuba. It is similar to the much larger Plumeria obtusa 'Singapur' , with the same glossy, spathulate leaves, paler, dull anb ribbed below, but it is smaller in all parts. This Cuban form is perfect for pot cultivation, since it is low and dense in habit but it is also fully deciduous in winter for a rather short number of months, so it is easier to protect indoors for those who grow away from the tropics. It has been swapped around for years with no ID as "Plumeria sp. Cuba".
Cultivada Protegido
Origen de la especie América
Forma presentación A raíz desnuda
Tamaño Máx. 200cm-400cm
Familia Botánica Apocynaceae
Luz Sol
Temperatura mínima invierno 5 ºC a 10 ºC
Época de floración Meses más cálidos
Tipo de planta Leñosa
Color Blanco
Color Amarillo
Cuidados Maceta
Forma Arbustos