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Este grupo de plantas del desierto se denominan brevemente Mesembs porque pertenecen a una familia botánica anteriormente llamada Mesembryanthemaceae. Hay casi 2.000 especies, que se encuentran principalmente en el sur de África, con adaptaciones extremas a hábitats secos. Algunas son llamadas "piedras vivas", ya que son similares a guijarros. Muchas son fáciles de cultivar y su principal necesidad es luz solar directa. Algunas son difíciles porque crecen en áreas realmente extremas.
Nuestra tienda online ofrece plantas saludables que han crecido al sol, con hojas compactas y coloridas. Algunas plantas se venden como esquejes, y otras como plantas enraizadas, de al menos dos años de edad.
Cont. 6 cm. A beauty from South Africa. This succulent has unusual leaves with a translucent window on the top. Beautiful daisy like flowers. Easy to grow, needs a winter rest.
This is the most compact species in the genus Glottyphyllum, and to many the most beautiful. Bake it in full sun and it will turn deep red when stressed.
This is the most beautiful and least known species in the genus Glottiphyllum. Few collectors grow it and no pictures in the web show the beauty of well-grown plants.
The "King of the Glotts" is said to be the largest of all the species in the genus Glottiphyllum. Leaves can get quite red when somehow stressed, It is easy to grow, and just as the rest of the genus Glottiphyllum it is chiefly winter-growing but it does not have a true resting season.
This is a very attractive compact and blue glotty. Leaves are short and waxy and can look blue to grey. The flowers are so large that they cover the whole rosette.
This virtually everblooming mesemb is an excellent ground cover, with glaucous leaves and showy, large, copper-coloured flowers. We offer two large sized cuttings.
Succulent groundcover of South Africas coastal regions. Finger-like leaves appear year round with long stems that root as they go, it produces yellow flowers of about 6cm of diameter.
Cont.= 6 cm. Beautiful living-stone plant from Namibia. Lapidaria is a classic of plant mimicry to rocks. Give filtered sun or light shade and water sparingly. It will take 25° F (-4 ° C) for short periods
Lithops lesliei is a rather easy to grow living stone which is hypervariable as it occurs in a very wide area of South Africa. This form, albinica, is especially attractive because the whole plant turns golden yellow or bright green depending on the season.
Three 20 cm cuttings. Grey leaved succulent ground cover, with remarkable orange-red glossy flowers. It thrives incoastal Mediterranean climates, especially on slopes. It can also bekept in a pot and trimmed back seasonally
This large sized Mitrophyllum branches freely and produces erect slender stems. It starts branching early from base. Large plants can grow tall as small shrubs, reaching 60 cm in height. Mitrophyllum clivorum produces yellow flower.
This large sized Mitrophyllum branches from the base and produces many flowers. It does not grow erect stems. The species of Mitrophyllum are winter growing South African mesembs and they produce two different pairs of leaves each year.
This large sized Mitrophyllum branches freely and produces erect stems. Large plants can grow tall as small shrubs, reaching 50 cm in height.
Monilaria are winter-growing succulent mesembs from the from the Western Cape of South Africa. In Monilaria moniliformis the internodes are often larger than long, 1-2 cm thick. It is recognizeable from the other species by the round, soft, short-collared sheaths which completely cover the leaves for the next growth period.
En estos momentos tenemos pocos productos en esta categoría Mesembs