Tillandsia purpurea

This species creeps on sand fields in the harshest desert conditions, where no other plants are seen in miles. Tillandsia purpurea is found by the border between Chile and Peru. Its purple-purpureous inflorescences are a show. This xeric bromeliad is also sought after by collectors of succulent plants.

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This species creeps on sand fields in the harshest desert conditions, where no other plants are seen in miles. Tillandsia purpurea is found by the border between Chile and Peru. Its purple "purpureous" inflorescences are a show. This xeric bromeliad is also sought after by collectors of succulent plants.

The picture of the wild plant in bloom is from Wikimedia commons , by: Timm Stolten - Image taken by Mrs. Edwina Pfendbach., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=27902523

Cultivada Protegido
Origen de la especie América
Forma presentación A raíz desnuda
Familia Botánica Bromeliaceae
Luz Sol
Temperatura mínima invierno -5 ºC a 5 ºC
Tipo de planta Herbácea
Cuidados Maceta
Forma Herbáceas