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The Philodendron 'Green Princess' is a beautiful plant that features rich green, glossy oval-shaped leaves and will thrive in a spot with moderate light levels
The Siluet variety has a very pleasant aroma similar to that of Hawaiian papayas. Siluet papayas weigh between 0.5 and 1.5 kg. Excellent internal quality with 4 cm thick red pulp. Fast growing tree, external maturation yellow with red tones.
Almost everblooming! From Spring to Christmas. - Old, classic, great Plumeria cultivar with bight pink drooping flower heads. The plant is very easy to grow and quite upright, thin at first but very robust eventually, becoming a long lived tree. We offer an adult, thick 25-50 cm plant.
Giant Plant: Perfect 60-70 cm wide fan - Form with green long leaves, probably originating from Ethiopia or Eritrea of this spectacular fan-succulent with thick blue-green leaves. Seldomoffered for sale. Slow growing.,
We selected this hybrid here in Tenerife. It is a particularly nice and hardy cross between Heliconia subulata and H. pendula, which are two cool-hardy species, good for the subtropics.
Potted plant. Large flowered, pink-rainbow hybrid from Hawaii.
This is the pink form of a fabulous exotic bloom! "Torch gingers" are tropical ornamental plants of supreme beauty. The torch-like inflorescence is produced at eye level and the vegetative shoots are also very elegant. It is used as a food ingredient for delicacies in SE Asia and also as a medicine.
Adult, thick 60-80 cm plant. This is the double-flowered plumeria! This frangipani has double flowers with more than five petals. White and yellow. Highly sought-after by collectors.
Great species, from the mountains of Central America, good for cool subtropical gardens. It is a strong grower, with spectacular pink pendant inflorescences. Leaves are shiny green above and waxy white below. New sprouts are started in March and bloom late, in September-November.
Adult, thick 60-80 cm plant. Small white flowers.
The most unusual of all the Bauhinias from Madagascar. This shrub has very architectural growth with small nice foliage and lots of blue-violet flowers. It takes harsh and cool conditions, so it is suitable for coastal Mediterranean gardens.
Las Bromelias son plantas ornamentales de origen tropical. Muy pocas especies resisten al frío e incluso a las heladas. Por ser poco comunes en cultivo y muy resistentes al frío, en Canarius les proponemos Bromelias como: Deuterocohnia chlorantha, Aechmea blumenavii, Hechtia tillandsioides o Billbergia sp. Suculenta.
Tamarind is the famous sweet-and-sour fruit of ancient times. It is a semi-evergreen tropical tree native to East Africa but now spread in tropical Asia and South America. Pulp, leaves and bark have medicinal properties.
Las plantas herbáceas resistentes al frío son pequeñas, a veces muy distintas entre sí, que suelen tener follaje muy llamativo y siempre verde. Presentan una serie de recursos que les permiten sobrevivir con mucha facilidad durante años. Algunas de los ejemplos más claros de esta categoría son: Agave americana medio-picta, Aspidistra asahi, Aechmea...
Tanaka is a late-bearer and has rounded large fruits of good quality, sweet, thin-skinned. It is is self-fertile, even though it will bear more fruits if crossed with other cultivars of Loquat.
No todas las palmeras son tropicales. Algunas de estas especies provienen de áreas subtropicales e incluso, soportan temperaturas frías. Estas especies son palmeras pinnadas (hojas en forma de pluma) y pueden crecer en zonas donde las heladas son poco frecuentes. Proponemos algunas de estas especies: Chamaedorea flotschiana, Allagoptera caudescens,...
En Canarius somos especialistas en el tratamiento de árboles frutales tanto exóticos como tropicales. Sin embargo, también contamos con ciertos árboles frutales resistentes al frío sin la necesidad de pertenecer a la familia de los tropicales. Tal es el caso de almendros, árbol del caqui…
Giant leaved aroid with glossy deep green leaves - one of the simplest and most beautilful of all. It slowly climbs on huge trees but it can be kept low and it will creep on the ground. It loves hot and wet conditions but it is adaptable to harsher, sunny seaside locations.
Prithchardia remota comes from a very harsh island in Hawaii and it is possibly the best for mediterranean conditions. This year we have spotted a few variegated Pritchardias in a batch of P. remota. h= 70 cm