Promo! Adenia spinosa Agrandir l'image

Adenia spinosa

Impressive caudiciform with short, thick and gnarled caudex. Each one is different! Above the main stem it produces scrambling or mildly climbing twigs. Found in Limpopo Province, and in Botswana and Zimbabwe.

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16,20 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Impressive caudiciform with short, thick and gnarled caudex. Each one is different! Above the main stem it produces scrambling or mildly climbing twigs. Found in Limpopo Province, and in Botswana and Zimbabwe. They are usually found in open areas under the light shade of larger shrubs or smaller trees.

Our plants are 2 years old from seed.
Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante Afrique
Présentation Plante en pot
Taille max. 150cm-200cm
Famille botanique Passifloraceae
Lumière Soleil
Température minimale hivernale 0 ºC à 10 ºC
Type de plante Ligneuses
Soins Pot
Forme Succulentes