Agave stricta 'nana' Agrandir l'image

Agave stricta 'nana'

This small agave has become very popular during the past years because of a lot of reasons. It is an official beauty, spineless except at the tip, with green-blue leaves.

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This small agave has become very popular during the past years because of a lot of reasons. It is an official beauty, spineless except at the tip, with green-blue leaves. Rosettes are only 10-25 cm in diameter and will form offsets with time. The new "pups" will grow on stolons, so if placed in a wide pot, it will form a nice colony of spaced rosettes. It is very hardy to frost, as long as its place is sunny and well-drained.

Picture is from wikimedia commons: By Karelj - Own work, Public Domain,
Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante America
Présentation Racine nue
Taille max. 100cm-120cm
Famille botanique Asparagaceae
Lumière Soleil
Lumière Moyenne
Température minimale hivernale -10 ºC à 0 ºC
Type de plante Herbacées
Couleur Vert
Soins Pot
Forme Succulentes
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