Avonia papyracea Agrandir l'image

Avonia papyracea

White papery, papyraceous leaves grom from this marvel of nature from the Karoo desert in South Africa, where they grow in full sun among quartz rocks as their leaves reflect light. 

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Tuft forming Anacampseros from the Northern Cape province in South Africa.

White papery, papyraceous leaves grom from this marvel of nature from the Karoo desert in South Africa, where they grow in full sun among quartz rocks as their leaves reflect light. 
Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante Afrique
Présentation Racine nue
Taille max. 0cm-10cm
Famille botanique Portulacaceae
Lumière Soleil
Lumière Moyenne
Température minimale hivernale 0 ºC à 10 ºC
Saison de floraison Mois les plus chauds
Type de plante Herbacées
Couleur Blanc
Soins Pot
Soins Faible entretien
Forme Succulentes