Promo! Carica papaya  'Red Lady F1' (786) Agrandir l'image

Carica papaya 'Red Lady F1' (786)

Supreme papaya with bright orange sweet fruits, 1-3 kg each, mostly seedless. "Red Lady" papaya trees produce fruit on average nine months from seed. They also have some resistance to cool weather.

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9,88 €

15,20 €

- 35%

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Supreme papaya with bright orange sweet fruits, 1-3 kg each, mostly seedless. "Red Lady" papaya trees produce fruit on average nine months from seed. It is a hermaphrodite cultivar of average height, tolerant to papaya ring spot virus. Here at Canarius we offer small potted plants ready to be planted in the ground or in large pots (Read at the bottom of this page to know more about the plants we offer for sale),

Carica papaya cv. 'Red Lady' is an early, vigorous, productive F1 papaya. Tolerant to papaya ring spot virus. Plants begin to bear fruit at 60-80 cm height and have over 30 fruits per plant in each fruit-setting season. Fruits of Carica papaya cv. Red Lady F1 (786) are short-oblong on female plants and rather long-shaped on bisexual plants, weighing about 1,5-2 kg, or 1-3 kg. Flesh is aromatic, thick, reddish, with about 13% sugar content. The fruit is very resistant to shipping and also ideal for local market and processing.

  • Plant shape: medium dwarf
  • Fruit shape: near round to oblong
  • Flesh colour: reddish orange.
  • Weight (kg): 1-3.
  • Brix(%): 13.
  • Features: tolerant to ring spot virus, productive, performs better than others in cooler locations in the Canary Islands.

The Papaya Tree in General

Papaya or "papaw" is a tropical tree native to Central America, known and grown in America since centuries ago. Now it is grown extensively throughout the tropics. Papaya trees have a single stem with a height that varies from 1,8-6 m (7-19 ft), with large fan-like leaves held on long petioles. Older trees will branch and reach 10 or more meters. All parts contain papain, a useful enzyme used as tenderizer and digestive. Healthy, adult Papayas always have fruits and flowers at the same time. Fruits are soft and their colour varies from green to yellow and orange. Fruit weight is 0,5-2 kg but it can reach up to 9 kg (20 lb). The fruit has a smooth and inedible skin. The flesh is yellow to rose coloured, aromatic, firm and smooth. Fruits are available all year-round. Mostly eaten fresh is also used in salads, salsas, smoothies and deserts.  It is not exigent with soils, growing in most soils or even in a big pot. It is a dioecious species, but artificial selection has originated hermaphrodite trees. Papayas are sensitive to frost but they are very fast growers.

Here in Canarius we offer robust potted seedlings, a few months old, ready to be planted in the ground or in large pots. The size of this plant is: 15-30 cm in height. It is hard to predict the exact size of papayas because they grow very fast! We will try to find a resonably robust seedling for you. Visit THIS LINK and see pictures of our fruit trees on the packing desk - learn more about what we ship.

Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante America
Présentation Plante en pot
Taille max. 300cm et plus
Famille botanique Caricaceae
Lumière Soleil
Température minimale hivernale 10 ºC à 15 ºC
Saison de floraison Mois les plus chauds
Type de plante Ligneuses
Soins Pot