Erythrina caffra

1-2 year old seedling. This "Dwarf Coral Tree" is native to Natal, in South Africa. It is a densely branched deciduous shrub, with scarlet flowers on black flower stalks, standing above the foliage during a long time. It is suited to mediterranean climates and takes light frosts.

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32,50 €

Dernière unité

Canarius Plants Lovers

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This "Dwarf Coral Tree" is native to Natal, in South Africa. It is a densely branched deciduous shrub, with scarlet flowers on black flower stalks, standing above the foliage during a long time. It is suited to mediterranean climates and takes light frosts. We offer a 1-2 years old seedling

Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante Afrique
Présentation Plante en pot
Taille max. 300cm et plus
Famille botanique Fabaceae
Lumière Soleil
Température minimale hivernale -5 ºC à 0 ºC
Saison de floraison Printemps
Type de plante Ligneuses
Couleur Rouge
Couleur Orange
Soins Faible entretien
Forme Arbres