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Clibing Philodendron from Cuba, Hispaniola and Jamaica. It is extremely ornamental and easy to grow. It does well in high light to full sun, on trunks, rocks or as a ground cover. It takes harsh conditions, including wind and coast.
Melano-chrysum means black gold in ancient Greek. This plant of unrivalled beauty grows huge rubbery and velvety, light-reflecting leaves of undescribeable colours. The best house plants with huge leaves for very bright rooms.
Small climbing Philodendron from Costa Rica, with glossy leaves, often showing a shape of perfect hearts. This species will grow well on a totem.
This philo with excitingly thin pinnate foliage is possibly a clone of the variable species Philodendron pedatum, selected for the particularly narrow lobes.
Ornamental philodendron from Venezuela and NE Brazil. It is reminiscent of P. selloum but it is more compact and tidy, with thicker, stiffer leaves and show reddish spots on the leafstalks. Just like selloum,it wants high ligth
Ornamental philodendron from Venezuela and NE Brazil. It is reminiscent of P. selloum but it is more compact and tidy, with thicker, stiffer leaves and show reddish spots on the leafstalks. Just like selloum,it wants high ligth
Philodendron radiatum is a slow climber or creeper, with striking, deeply sinuate leaves. It grows wild in a wide area ranging from Chiapas to Peru. It does well in the house and conservatory, but it is also one of the hardiest Philodendron to drought, wind and heat.
This is a rather different-looking, frost-tolerant Philodendron with oval leaves held on tall petioles. The stem creeps on the ground and does not like to climb. Leaf stalks grow vertically to 30-60 cm, holding leathery glossy leaves. Philodendron reneauxii is uncommon in collections, but it is a winner in cool to cold conditions.
This is an old classic climbing Philodendron with quintessentially exotic leaves and a remarkable cold tolerance. It is a variable species with many forms, selections and also hybrids. This clone we offer is an old "traditional" form, possibly one of the earliest wild ones taken to Europe.
This is a people stopper! This small Philo builds leaves with very showy translucent purple markings... And everbody wants one!
This is a wow-foliage ornamental with wavy glossy leaves. One meter long wavy leaves are easy to attain in this species which branches and climbs a bit more than P. giganteum and takes harsher conditions with more sun, wind and drought.
Philodendron tortum is an epiphytic climber, found in a wide part of Amazonia, always up on tree trunks. It stands out in collections because its leaf blades are deeply pinnatifid, "skeleton-like", glossy dark green above, and pale green below, with a remarkable midrib. It does not climb fast and in cultivation easily stays bushy.
Slowly vining Philodendron with three-lobed leaves, thin-leathery and glossy, it is a climber and it has an abundant root system that will fill the totem and reach the soil.
This is a hybrid climbing Philodendron, with exciting leaves. BGB is a fancy name meaning Big Glorious Bastard (with a mix of references to its hybrid origin,to its P. gloriosum parent and to the movie "Inglorious bastards" It is a cross of Philodendron gloriosum and Philodendron giganteum.
This is a hybrid climbing Philodendron, with exciting leaves. BGB is a fancy name meaning Big Glorious Bastard (with a mix of references to its hybrid origin,to its P. gloriosum parent and to the movie "Inglorious bastards" It is a cross of Philodendron gloriosum and Philodendron giganteum.
Philodendron x 'Corsinanum' is a very old hybrid with marvelous ornamental foliage. Leaves are dark green with pale veins and wavy margins.
Philodendron x 'Glorious' is a striking hybrid plant created by crossing Philodendron gloriosum and Philodendron melanochrysum
Colourful variegated philo. 'Painted Lady' it is not new, while it is a "classic" successful hybrid with lots of pink-red colour on stems and glossy yellow streaked leaves.
Unusual cold-hardy Aroid with ornamental and weird inflorescences, up to 60 cm tall. Sauromatum venosum is summer growing and it rests in winter as an underground corm. In spring it wakes up showing a leopard-spotted spathe with a long dark spadix and for a few days they will produce a disgusting stink.
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Araceae