Koehneria madagascariensis

Cont: 14 cm.  This is a new, unique shrub to small tree, native to semi-dry Madagascar. Koehneria is a poorly studied monotypic genus, described in 1986. but it is a relative of the most popular ornamental genus Lagerstroemia and its abundant pink flowers do justice to its "blood".

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This is a new, unique shrub to small tree native to semi-dry Madagascar. Koehneria is a poorly studied genus, but it is a relative of the most popular ornamental genus Lagerstroemia and its abundant pink flowers do justice to its "blood".
Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante Asia
Présentation Racine nue
Taille max. 70cm-200cm
Famille botanique Lythraceae
Lumière Soleil
Température minimale hivernale -15 ºC à -5 ºC
Saison de floraison Mois les plus chauds
Type de plante Herbacées
Soins Pot
Forme Grimpantes