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Les plantes vivent toujours
Les plantes parfumées ont une place importante dans l’histoire de la médecine et culturelle de Chine, d’Inde, de l’Extrême-Orient, du Moyen-Orient, d’Amérique Centrale et les Natifs d’Amérique du Nord. Elles sont parfaites pour parfumer votre jardin et votre maison.
Ces plantes ont des demandes très spécifiques lorsqu’elles sont exposées au soleil, à une certaine température et à l’humidité. Les Plantes Parfumées sont célèbres pour le parfum de leurs fleurs et de leur feuillage.
Classic graden hybrid which is very robust an almost ever-blooming. Glossy white and pink flowers are produced in erect umbels. It is reproduced by carefully removing pups from the base. We offer a large rooted pup that can bloom in less than one year.
Frost hardy hybrid crinum developed in the USA by crossing two of the most outstanding Crinums: 'Ellen Bosanquet' and 'J.C. Harvey'. The result is spectacular: Leaves are glossy and tropical looking, blooms are deep pink with a supreme scent.
This Crinum is an old, classic hybrid which is a re-bloomer (it blooms at least twice a year). Umbels hold about 10 large pink flowers. It is resistant to mild frosts.
This Crinum is an old, classic hybrid which is a re-bloomer (it blooms at least twice a year). Umbels hold about 10 large pink flowers. It is resistant to mild frosts.
Eucharis x grandiflora is a natural hybrid of Eucharis moorei x Eucharis sander. It is a semi-evergreen bulbous plant with glossy leaves and white, large, fragrant flowers.
Multi purpose tree native to tropical dry forests in Mexico and Central America. It has been introduced and planted in many countries bordering the Caribbean for many reasons.
Cool-hardy ginger, with a particularly beautiful dense inflorescence, consisting of many, attractive, delicately scented orange-red flowers with striking stamens. Growth is quite upright and an adult clump can reach up to 2 m in height.
Helichrysum italicum is a flowering plant of the daisy family Asteraceae. It is sometimes called false curry plant. It grows on dry, rocky or sandy ground around the Mediterranean. The stems are woody at the base and can reach 60 cm or more in height. The clusters of yellow flowers are produced in Summer, they retain their colour after picking and are...
Small leaved Hoya, native to Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand. Leaves are marbled with silver, green, purple and more. Flowers are unusual in shape, white with a pink center.
Very beautiful Hoya, native to Borneo. Its flowers are pure white, and quite large, about 4 cm tall. It is rare in cultivation and hard to root, but then it is easy to grow and blooms regularly during the warmest months. It has a subtle fragrance but the beauty and size of the flowers deserve attention!
Rooted cutting, with one ore more new growths, native to Philippines.
NEW! Hoya onychoides is a magnificent vine with large, dark glossy leaves and enormous purple flowers in large umbels.
Hoya from the Philippines. It was described quite recently, in 2004. Leaves are speckled in Silver and pink-mauve flowers appear frequently in fine umbels.
Elegant hoya species native to SE Asia. It is easy to grow and bloom since it occurs in a wide range of habitats, from dry scrubs to humid forests.
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Plantes parfumées