Gynura procumbens - Longevity Spinach

Edible leafy shrub native to SE.Asia, where it is used as a medicine and as a food. It is cooked as any spinach-like lettuce. 

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Edible leafy shrub native to SE Asia, where it is used as a medicine and as a food. It is cooked as any spinach-like lettuce. Gynura procumbens is often grown in the family garden or patio together with another similar species: Gynura bicolor , called Okinawan Spinach or Purple Longevity Spinach . They both have a similar growth habit and a similar, yet different taste.

These plants are very easy to grow but they can't take any frost. They can be grown in pots and pruned back continuously to produce new greens throughout the warm months.
Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante Asia
Présentation Plante en pot
Taille max. 40cm-70cm
Famille botanique Asteraceae
Lumière Moyenne
Lumière Soleil
Température minimale hivernale 5 ºC à 15 ºC
Saison de floraison Été
Type de plante Herbacées
Couleur Vert
Soins Pot
Forme Vivaces
Forme Couvre-sol
Forme Grimpantes