Promo! Haemanthus albiflos - White Paintbrush Agrandir l'image

Haemanthus albiflos - White Paintbrush

South African bulb with exotic paintbrush inflorescences. It thrives in mediterranean conditions, slow but steady. It is used in traditional medicine to treat chronic coughs and also has antiviral activity.

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6,80 €

9,80 €

- 3,00 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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South African evergreen bulb with exotic foliage and white bottlebrush inflorescences. It is widespread in South Africa and it is found in different coditions. Haemathus albiflos thrives in mediterranean conditions, slow but steady. Plants like to become pot bound and mature bulbs flower reliably every year. It enjoys shade or mild morning or winter sun- It does well as a house plant, watered sparingly all-year long, much like sansevierias.

Haemathus albiflos is used in traditional medicine to treat chronic coughs. It is also active against viral infections as shown in this Study of antiviral action of total alkaloids from Haemanthus albiflos.

We ship one bulb.

Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante Afrique
Présentation Racine nue
Taille max. 40cm-50cm
Famille botanique Amaryllidaceae
Lumière Moyenne
Température minimale hivernale 0 ºC à 10 ºC
Type de plante Herbacées
Couleur Blanc
Soins Pot
Forme Bulbes
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