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This species was described in 2012 and while it is rare in habitat, it is rather easy and flowerful in cultivation.
Each inflorescence has 5–15 flowers with a white corolla (with a pinkish shade) and bright purple-red, fleshy coronal scales inside.
Hoya lithophytica is known from one location in the Tak Province of Thailand, at abou 850 m asl. There it grows in scrub and open forest, usually on exposed limestone cliffs or outcrops, scrambling on rock and branches.
Cultivation | Protégée |
Présentation | Racine nue |
Taille max. | 70cm-200cm |
Famille botanique | Apocynaceae |
Lumière | Moyenne |
Lumière | Ombre |
Température minimale hivernale | 5 ºC à 15 ºC |
Saison de floraison | Mois les plus chauds |
Type de plante | Herbacées |
Soins | Pot |
Forme | Grimpantes |