Philodendron subincisum

This is a wow-foliage ornamental with wavy glossy leaves. One meter long wavy leaves are easy to attain in this species which branches and climbs a bit more than P. giganteum and takes harsher conditions with more sun, wind and drought.

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84,30 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Philodendron subincisum is a wow-foliage ornamental with wavy glossy leaves, often more than 1 m long. It is reminiscent of the gigantic Philodendron giganteum but this one has wavy leaves, a bit smaller. It also branches and climbs a bit more and takes harsher conditions with more sun, wind and drought.

The stem creeps or slowly climbs up on trees and lots of aerial roots will slowly grab rocks, trunks or walls. If grown in a large pot with no standing support it will slowly creep on a side.

It takes cool winters and grows well in subtropical conditions. In Florida or Tenerife it scrambles freely over palm trunks and rock walls.

We offer a 60-100 cm tall, robust rooted plant. Exact size is hard to tell as each plant is different and they grow fast, but you won't be disappointed. We only offer these when the plant has a solid nice size. Grow it in high light and even direct sun  and a few leaves later the show will start!

Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante America
Présentation Plante en pot
Taille max. 300cm et plus
Famille botanique Araceae
Lumière Moyenne
Température minimale hivernale 5 ºC à 10 ºC
Type de plante Herbacées
Couleur Vert
Soins Pot
Soins Plantes d'intérieur
Forme Grimpantes