Setiechinopsis mirabilis Agrandir l'image

Setiechinopsis mirabilis

Fascinating cactus from Argentina with dark, almost-black stems, and showy night-blooming white flowers held on a long calyx. They only last one night but they are produced profusely throughout summer and they have a wonderful spicy scent. 

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13,50 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Fascinating cactus from Argentina with dark, almost-black stems, and showy night-blooming white flowers held on a long calyx. They only last one night but they are produced profusely throughout summer and they have a wonderful spicy scent. It is easy to grow and takes short frost. We offer one adult branched plant

By Epibase - Own work, CC BY 3.0,

Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante America
Présentation Plante en pot
Taille max. 10cm-20cm
Famille botanique Cactaceae
Lumière Soleil
Température minimale hivernale -5 ºC à 5 ºC
Saison de floraison Mois les plus chauds
Type de plante Herbacées
Couleur Blanc
Soins Pot
Forme Succulentes
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