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Les plantes vivent toujours
Ce groupe de plantes du désert est surnommé les Mesembs parce qu'ils appartiennent à une famille botanique anciennement appelée les Mesembryanthemaceae. Il y a près de 2. 000 espèces, que l'on peut principalement trouver en Afrique australe, avec des adaptations extrêmes aux habitats secs. Certaines sont appelées "pierres vivantes", car elles ressemblent à des cailloux. Beaucoup sont faciles à cultiver et leur besoin principal est de beaucoup de soleil. Certaines sont difficiles, car elles poussent dans les zones vraiment extrêmes.
Notre boutique en ligne offre des plantes saines cultivées au soleil, avec des feuilles compactes et colorées. Certaines plantes sont vendues sous forme de boutures, et d'autres comme plantes enracinées, d'au moins deux ans.
Low growing clumping mesemb with beautiful warty leaves.
Four 14-20 cuttings - Creeping, fast growing groundcover mesemb with flowers in summer. This is the true A. cordifolia, with hearth-shaped leaves with bumpy surface and purple-pink flowers. It takes more cold than other aptenias.
NEW ! - Branched plant. Delicate creeping succulent with cream and green foliage. Leaves are glossy, hearth-shaped and slightly succulent.
Four 15-20 cm cuttings. Creeping, fast growing succulent plant with bright pink-red flowers in summer. This hybrid Aptenia is the perfect groundcover for gardens in coastal mediterranean climates. This is called Aptenia 'Red Apple' in the USA.
Aptenias are excellent groundcover plants. They are creeping succulents, potentially evergrowing in the "mesemb" family: Aizoaceae. There are 4 species in the genus Aptenia and this A. haeckeliana is the beautiful one with the yellow flowers.
Branched plant. Cont.= 8,5 cm. Pink flowered, clumping dwarf from the Knersvlakte desert in So.Africa. Leaves are blueish and finger-like. Rests in summer.
Sphaeroid mesemb endemic to the quartz gravel of the Knersvlakte region, with jade-grey leaves. Location of this collection: Flaminkvlakte, population with 6 layered silky purple flowers
NEW ! - Larger in all its parts, this ornamental creeping mesemb bears huge magenta flowers.
Endemic to the inland mountains in the SW Cape ofS Africa. It easily blooms in pots and does not need to bein the ground. It is the only mountain Carpobrotus and does not need a coastal climate. Leaves contain natural antibi
Branched plant, Cont.= 8,5 cm. Native to the Little Karoo in South Africa, this species in an opportunistic grower and can rest or grow in about any time of the year.
Pink flowered form of an easy, creeping species, often used as a ground cover. It has beautiful glaucous leaves, triangular in section. Abundant bright flowers in winter, spectacular. It grows wild in the Ceres Karoo in a winter rainfall area. Protect from heavy frost .
Branched plant. Cont.= 6 cm. Mat-forming South African succulent with gray-green leaves. Flowers are beautiful, glossy light yellow with dark centers. It blooms in spring and often repeats in Summer.
Pink flowered form of an easy, creeping species, often used as a ground cover. It has beautiful glaucous leaves, triangular in section. Abundant bright flowers in winter, spectacular. It grows wild in the Ceres Karoo in a winter rainfall area. Protect from heavy frost .
Cont.= 12 cm. Huge Plant with >8 heads. Beautiful plant from the Little Karoo, with large, greyish V-shaped leaves. With age, leaf tips form elegant teeth. Large cream to yellow flowers. Full sun to light shade. Keep drier in summer.
NEW! - Branched plant, Cont.= 12 cm. Purple flowered compact mesemb, native to the Richtersveld in South Africa. It grows in full sun to light shade. Keep drier in Summer. Tolerant of light frost.
NEW ! - Three unrooted cuttings of 6-8 cm. beautiful, unusual succulent leaves, densely covered in glossy translucent "hairs". These are visible adaptations to catch moisture from fogs.
Cont.= 6 cm. Compact, clumping plant, 6-15 cm in diameter, with a central rootstock. Dark green or reddish leaves and white, 1,5 cm flowers. Native to the Uniondale district of the W. Cape of South Africa. Winter-growing but enjoys some summer rain.
Miniature beauty from South Africa. This succulent has unusual leaves with a translucent window on the top. Beautiful, white, daisy-like flowers. Easy to grow in sand, better with a winter rest.
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Mesembs