Uncarina roeoesliana - Entire leaf form

Shrubby caudiciform from Madagascar, with a long flowering season. It can grow to anything between 40 cm and 2 m in height, according to the conditions. It was described as recently as 1996 by Dr. W. Rauh.  This species has two forms, with different types of leaves. This is the entire leaf form.  We offer a 1-2 year old caudex: 3-5 cm diameter

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Shrubby caudiciform from Madagascar, with a long flowering season. It can grow to anything between 40 cm and 2 m in height, according to the conditions. It was described as recently as 1996 by Dr. W. Rauh.  This species has two forms, with different types of leaves. This is the entire leaf form. We offer a 1-2 year old caudex: 3-5 cm diameter.

Picture of flowers from wikimedia: "Uncarina roeoesliana - 85" by This photo was made by Medium69.Cette photo a été réalisée par Medium69.Please credit this : William Crochot - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Uncarina_roeoesliana_-_85.jpg#/media/File:Uncarina_roeoesliana_-_85.jpg

Cultivation Protégée
Origine de la plante Océanie
Présentation Racine nue
Taille max. 30cm-40cm
Famille botanique Pedaliaceae
Lumière Soleil
Température minimale hivernale 5 ºC à 10 ºC
Saison de floraison Mois les plus chauds
Type de plante Herbacées
Couleur Jaune
Soins Pot
Forme Bulbes