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Se vi piacciono le piante esotiche, allora sei nel posto giusto. Canarius offre le piante esotiche difficile da trovare che sono raramente disponibili in centri di giardinaggio. Il nostro negozio ha specie naturali e rari ibridi. Offriamo piante esotiche provenienti dalle Isole Canarie.
Gli ordini sono inviati a ovunque in Europa e anche in tutto il mondo. I pacchi raggiungeranno la vostra casa in pochi giorni dopo la spedizione (ma abbiamo bisogno anche alcuni giorni per l'elaborazione). Non esitate a contattarci se avete domande.
I deserti del mondo e le zone secche ospitano le piante più interessanti. Canarius offre una selezione crescente di piante succulente di massima qualità, perché sono coltivate all'aperto, in pieno sole delle Isole Canarie.
I succulente o "piante grasse" sono specie di ritenzione di acqua, adattate alle condizioni di asciutto. Loro accumulano succum (succo, acqua) nelle loro foglie, steli o radici, e spesso mostrano un aspetto robusto e carnoso.
Le piante esotiche sono specie provenienti da altre parti del mondo, e di solito hanno le qualità ornamentali: una vegetazione lussureggiante, fiori colorati, forme insolite... Qui è possibile trovare una grande varietà di piante esotiche: da bromeliacee e Heliconias, fino a palme e piante d'appartamento.
Le piante esotiche non hanno un uso particolare. I collettori acquistano questo tipo di piante per la loro rarità, per la decorazione interna o esterna, a seconda delle loro caratteristiche.
Le piante da frutto, erbe e piante medicinale sono concentrati su come ottenere una salute migliore. In questo contenuto della sezione, ogni tipo di pianta produce effetti salutari, entrambi alberi da frutto (Feijoa, Ananas, Fina Jete...) e piante per la salute, come Graviola, Aloe vera, Callisia fragrans... Nel normale metabolismo di tutti gli esseri viventi, l'organismo produce delle sostanze nutritive da latenti per l'ambiente; alcune di queste sostanze chimiche sono parte del processo in tutte le specie. Normalmente, i composti utili sono concentrati in alcune dei sue parti: foglie, semi, fiori...
Haworthia ‘Cup of Gold’ is a Haworthia with pale yellow retuse leaves, possibly a selection or hybrid of H. otzeniana. Some people consider it variegated, though the variegation s just on the reverse of the leaves and it is not always evident.
Branched, Cont.= 8,5 cm - Possibly a hybrid of garden origin. Haworthia rigida was never found in the wild and is still an "Unplaced Name". It refers to a beautiful plant with attractive shape and leaf texture. Turns very dark in sun.
NEW! - Cont. 8,5 cm - Beautiful local form of the well known Haworthia limifolia.
NEW! - Cont. 8,5 cm - Beautiful chubby Haworthia. Leaves have a triangular tip which is a translucent window.
A small, colourful frost-hardy terrestrial bromeliad. A gem for collectors!
This is an unusual and elegant terrestrial bromeliad with spineless silvery leaves. Leaves are soft and velvety to touch. Established plants will bloom with huge "sprays" of pink flowers. Hechtia tillandsioides is native to Mexico (States of Hidalgo and Mexico). It takes frost and feels at home in Mediterranean climates !
Cool-hardy ginger, with a particularly beautiful dense inflorescence, consisting of many, attractive, delicately scented orange-red flowers with striking stamens. Growth is quite upright and an adult clump can reach up to 2 m in height.
Helichrysum italicum is a flowering plant of the daisy family Asteraceae. It is sometimes called false curry plant. It grows on dry, rocky or sandy ground around the Mediterranean. The stems are woody at the base and can reach 60 cm or more in height. The clusters of yellow flowers are produced in Summer, they retain their colour after picking and are...
Magnificent ornamental heliconia, native to the rainforests of the Caribbean, and Northern South America. It produces rich red bracts with yellow-green lips in summer and grows to 2,5-3 m tall. "Lobster Claw One" is a classic selected clone of Heliconia bihai with deep red bracts.
This hard to find species is an excellent garden subject, suitable to non-tropical climates. It blooms in April to August in the Canary Islands. Bracts are solid, glossy purplish red, with bright yellow flowers inside.
Classic, deep-red clone of Heliconia caribaea, which is one of the best and easiest of all heliconias. lt blooms in June-August, at 2-4 m in height. This species is pectacular in the garden and spectacular as a cut flower.
Heliconia caribaea is usually red in colour, but this clone has dark yellow blooms. This species is one of the best and easiest of all heliconias. Full sun keeps it compact and full of blooms.
Great species, from the mountains of Central America, good for cool subtropical gardens. It is a strong grower, with spectacular pink pendant inflorescences. Leaves are shiny green above and waxy white below. New sprouts are started in March and bloom late, in September-November.
Leaves are wide, purple-maroon beneath. Inflorescences are pendant, with variable shades of red, yellow, green and purple. This Heliconia is a magnificent beauty, good for subtropical climates. It comes from Colombia and Ecuador, at 800 - 2200 m elevation.
Spectacular red-leaved Heliconia, with compact upright growth. Blooms are not as showy as in other heliconias but leaves have incredible golden-reddish colours, showing green only in full shade. The classic bold foliage of tropical Asian gardens.
Outstanding heliconia with ornamental foliage and dense, upright habit. Most heliconias are from tropical America and only a handful of them is from the Pacific islands. Heliconia indica is one of them and 'Striata' is a supreme striped clone, selected in ancient times somewhere in Melanesia.
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