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The variety White Supreme is a good commercial cultivar developed in Florida. Guava is a subtropical perennial tree native to the American tropics that has become a wild plant in many tropical regions of the planet.
Early season mango from India, with excellent quality. Fruits are green when ripe, with a hint of red. Flesh is yellow-orange, with a sweet, rich and unique taste. It is very popular in in Western India. The flavor is rich and spicy, reminiscent of the finest of the Indian dessert types. Weights between 250 - 400 gr.
NEW ! - Pereskias are leafy and spiny trees in the Cactus family. This species has small leaves and nice pink rose-like flowers. This is the Cuban form. It grows a thick root and it can be easily grown in pots and kept as a shrub or even bonsai.
Large sized, almost black leaves, with blueish wax. The whole plant is very erect and robust, up to 4,5 m tall. "Lyon' s Black" is one of the boldest cultivars. It was selected at Lyon Arboretum, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
30-40 cm wide. This is a form with green long leaves, originating from Ethiopia or Eritrea. There are some similar plants in Somalia with shorter grayer leaves. Fan-shaped succulent with distichously arrangedthick leaves, of a bright blue-green. Slow growing and still very uncommon in the trade.
NEW ! - Stiff, glossy leaves, with golden margins. It is a variegated selection, traditionally planted in gardens of the Canary Islands. This elegant plant usually grows an aerial trunk of 0,5-2 m and then produces an incredibly tall inflorescence.
Two unrooted heads 8-10 cm. Popular Mexican species with glossy pointed leaves ranging from pale blue gray to yellow pink. Suitable for pots, hanging baskets and in rock gardens. It can withstand frost to -3 or much more if kept dry.
Tropical garden shrub with leaves speckled in cream-white. This plant is a winner and it is more robust than other white-variegated varieties.
Succulent plant with "purple & green" leaves. formerly called Rhoeo spathacea. It is commonly grown as an ornamental potted plant or a ground cover in sunny frost-free areas.
Colourful selection of a branched Aeonium, with "rainbow" rosettes. Easy growing, it is probably a clone of the widespread A. decorum, native to the island of La Gomera, in the Canary Islands.
h= 60-80 cm. Base: 5-6 cm. Possibly the most ornamental of all Cycads. It is beautiful in all its parts. Leaves are shiny, elegant, spineless, of a rich dark green. Cones are huge and fascinating. Takes light frosts and grows very well in the warmer Mediterranean.
Subtopical shrub with a graceful pinnate foliage very long flowering season. The bright yellow inflorescences have a pleasant nutty scent if rubbed with the fingers.
Dwarf "black" crinum with dark red leaves and showy pink flowers. It looks just like a miniature of the much larger Crinum procerum splendens. It is possibly a hybrid of that black Crinum and the dwarf Caribbean species Crinum oliganthum. Quite new in the Market!
Lush vine with elegant foliage and exotic blue flowers with a yellow throat, widely called the blue bignonia. It is frost-sensitive and thrives in Mediterranean to Tropical climates.
Mid season mango selected in Florida. Fruits have a hint of pinapple in their flavour! 250gr.
Magnificent fruit tree with ornamental glossy red fruits and neat foliage. This Water Apple was originally imported from Australia as "Syzygium sp. Cold Hardy". Its fruits are the largest and beautiful of all the S. aqueum we tested. We know nothing about it cold-hardiness but yes, it keeps on growing during our cooler months.
h= 18-30 cm - The mythical "Dragon Tree" of the Canary Islands is a tall, long-lived succulent tree.
Piper auritum is an aromatic shrub with large heart-shaped, velvety leaves, which grows in Central America. The common name "hoja santa" means "sacred leaf" in Spanish because it has many uses in Mexican cuisine and also as a medicinal plant. "Caisimon" is the tea, widespread in Cuba is made out of the leaves.
This hard to find species is very attractive due to its bright orange blush, promoted by full sun and cooler nights. It grows on the southern escarpment in Zimbabwe, at 1000-120 exposed to SE winds and mist. It is promisingly cool-resistant and it thrives outdoors in coastal mediterranean conditions.