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Esta es nuestra selección de plantas que pueden soportar algo de frío. Algunas sólo resistirán un clima frío y un poco de escarcha, pero otras aguantarán fuertes heladas en climas más fríos. Todas son muy diferentes, pero merecen ser probadas, porque todas estas plantas de aspecto tropical tienen requisitos no tropicales. Seguramente prosperarán al aire libre en climas mediterráneos costeros, o en un invernadero mínimamente climatizado donde no se cree escarcha.
This is one of the best Hoyas for Northern climates. Easy blooming and cool-hardy. It has beautiful round, glossy leaves and well shaped , long-lived, white blossoms. Cont.= 8,5 cm 6-10 leaves.
It is an endangered shrub of unrivalled beauty, with glossy leaves and large white "orchid-like" flowers splashed with red, 5-6 cm across. Keep it between 10 and 25 C for optimal growth. It is a fleshy-stemmed, much-branched, perennial plant growing to 1.5 m, with bright green leaves. It usually flowers in winter and early spring. It is not cold-hardy,...
Ipheion uniflorum is a free-blooming evergreen bulb from Argentina and Uruguay, with leaves smelling like garlic.
1-2 year old seedling. Evergreen perennial from South Africa to 1.2 m, with long, arching angled leaves and dense rounded spikes of tubular bright red flowers fading to yellow. It flowers in mid winter and is therefore well adapted to the mild Mediterranean climate.
Cont.= 6 cm. Beautiful living-stone plant from Namibia. Lapidaria is a classic of plant mimicry to rocks. Give filtered sun or light shade and water sparingly. It will take 25° F (-4 ° C) for short periods
Elegant evergreen shrub with deep green fragrant leaves that bears small flowers of white to pink in colour. It is resistant to moderate frost. This plant is called Manuka and it is known for medicinal purposes but also because it makes a special bee honey. There are also reports of therapeutic properties.
This well-known cultivar from India is late bearing and produces a rather large fruit, of about 22 g, with a deep red colour. It is a very good producer but it is (thankfully) not vigorous, so it stays rather low and wide.
The "cold-hardy" lychee tree. This Chinese lychee variety produces fruits in cooler locations and and fruits very late, in mid-summer. Fruits are greenish-pink and quality is very good.
This white honeysuckle is a classic of all times. It is a fast growing, robust vine with sweet smelling white flowers. Thesea are developed in pairs and turn cream coloured as they age. It can be kept low as a shrub. It is also used medicinally, both by modern science and by traditional Chinese medicine.
"Osage orange" is a deciduous tree from North America, producing unusual, large green fruits. These are unedible yet very exotic-looking and ornamental and resemble the fruits of the breadfruit tree.
The size of this plant is: about 4 years old. 2-3 cm base, leaves about 40-60 cm tall. Mid-sized Macrozamia from a few locations by the coast in Central Queensland, close to "Mount Perry". Elegant arching glossy leaves.
This is an extraordinary ornamental plant! Mangaves are intergeneric hybrids between Manfreda and Agave. Espresso is a variegated selection obtained from the already beautiful Mangave 'Macho Mocha'. It has a showy spineless rosette with blue leaves, spotted in burgundy, with white spotted margins.
Too beautiful to be true: this blue leaved plant is spineless and loaded with exotic purple spots. It is an excellent natural hybrid between intergeneric hybrid between Manfreda variegata and Agave celsii. Potted plants will stay below 1 m in diameter but field-grown plants can attain almost 2 m ! It is really hardy to frost: it stood -13 C in North...
Tall 16x30 cm pot - Gomera is a traditional Canarian strain of vigorous mango trees, producing rounded yellow fruits of small-medium size, with excellent flavour. This mango is hardier than most mango cultivars to drought and cold.
En estos momentos tenemos pocos productos en esta categoría Plantas resistentes al Frío