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Les plantes vivent toujours
Dans cette section, nous avons réunis ces plantes qui sont censées avoir un effet positif sur la santé. Ces espèces appartiennent à différentes familles de plantes et de différentes régions du monde. La diversité de la culture humaine a appris à vivre avec la diversité des plantes et certaines espèces sont devenus thérapeutique ou médicament. Certains, comme l'aloe vera poussent dans des conditions ensoleillées et sèches et peuvent vivre dans un petit pot. Certaines autres deviendront de grands arbres et auront de besoin d'espace et de temps pour grandir. Souvenez-vous: soyez prudent, toutes ces plantes ne sont pas comestibles, certaines sont toxiques si elles sont consommées ou appliquées sur la peau.
Turmeric is a basic spice in Asian cuisine, used as a food dye in the whole world. A bit of turmeric added to any dish will prevent arthrosis and many other health problems.
Both ornamental and useful, white turmeric is a deciduous ginger. It starts growth in April-June, with a very showy pink-white inflorescence, shooting up from the ground.
Chinese yam is a large climbing plant with arrow-shaped leaves. The tubers are cylindrical, with lots of tiny bumbs., They edible and usually cooked, but they can also be eaten raw. The plant is hardy to -17 C.
This reddish bulb from tropical America has leaves reminiscent of a palm-tree seedling. Flowers are white and star-shaped. Itis easy to keep and reproduce as it can be grown as winter-dormant and then loves warm and humid, greenhouse conditions with well draining soil.
Erythrina velutina - Mulungu Majestic tree which is both ornamental and useful, with bright orange-red flowers. It is found in seasonally dry forests of much of South America and it is used in popular medicine throughout most of its range.
This is the pink form of a fabulous exotic bloom! "Torch gingers" are tropical ornamental plants of supreme beauty. The torch-like inflorescence is produced at eye level and the vegetative shoots are also very elegant. It is used as a food ingredient for delicacies in SE Asia and also as a medicine.
Truly exotic flowers, star-shaped, with frilly margins, speckled in maroon and yellow, with a sweet vanilla scent. They come out of fan-arranged leaves that grow from tiny underground corms. It is native to the Cape Province in South Africa.
A frost resistant tree relative of the more tropical Sterculia and Brachychiton.
Ginkgo is a fabulous Asian tree, able to grow in cold temperate to subtropical climates. It is an excellent ornamental but it is also appreciated for its medicinal properties.
Perennal plant native from Africa and Asia.
This edible gynura is a small herbaceous shrub with some truly showy foliage, which is purple and glossy in the underleaf. It is native to SE.Asia, where it is used as a medicine and as a food. It is cooked as any spinach-like lettuce.
Edible leafy shrub native to SE.Asia, where it is used as a medicine and as a food. It is cooked as any spinach-like lettuce.
Cont.= 8,5. Different Haworthia, with flat leaves, heavily banded with ridges. This clone is dark green to rusty brown, depending on light, up to 10 cm in diam. Native from Mozambique to Mpumalanga. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Helichrysum italicum is a flowering plant of the daisy family Asteraceae. It is sometimes called false curry plant. It grows on dry, rocky or sandy ground around the Mediterranean. The stems are woody at the base and can reach 60 cm or more in height. The clusters of yellow flowers are produced in Summer, they retain their colour after picking and are...
Beautiful branched Hoodia from Botswana, South Africa and Namibia. It has become also popular as a medicinal plant, since it reputedly works as an appetite suppressant.
This is one of the most useful veggies to keep at hand. It It will thrive almost anywhere and will produce tasty and healthy food throughout the warmer months, with an exotic ornamental accent. Flowers are pink, with a purple throat, abundantly produced by well-fed plants.
One of the healthiest of all foods! This purple sweet potato has an unbelievable look. It is the darkest of all sweet potatoes, discovered on the Hawaiian island of Molokai, and packed with healthy xanthocyans.
Okinawan Sweet Potatoes are known to be the reason why the old natives of Okinawa used to live for so long. TThe high concentration of purple Xanthocyans in this tuber have life-lengthening properties. This cultivar is quite popular in SE Asia to Hawaii. It forms clumps (n,ot much running) and takes about 5-6 months to be gathered.
Healthy in general, as most gingers, this Kaempferia is used as a strengthener or aphrodisiac since immemorial times. It is also a nice ornamental: flowers are not too exciting (parvi-flora means small flowered) but leaves are glossy and wavy.
Very ornamental succulent plant, native to rocky areas of NW Madagascar. Leaves are silvery and banded. Inflorescences are tall and elegant. Leaves are also said to have many therapeutic uses. It is easy to keep in pots
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