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Les plantes vivent toujours
Dans cette section, nous avons réunis ces plantes qui sont censées avoir un effet positif sur la santé. Ces espèces appartiennent à différentes familles de plantes et de différentes régions du monde. La diversité de la culture humaine a appris à vivre avec la diversité des plantes et certaines espèces sont devenus thérapeutique ou médicament. Certains, comme l'aloe vera poussent dans des conditions ensoleillées et sèches et peuvent vivre dans un petit pot. Certaines autres deviendront de grands arbres et auront de besoin d'espace et de temps pour grandir. Souvenez-vous: soyez prudent, toutes ces plantes ne sont pas comestibles, certaines sont toxiques si elles sont consommées ou appliquées sur la peau.
Famous sacred bananas from New Guinea and the Pacific islands. Their sap is red like blood, and the huge fruits hold an astonishing content of provitamine A.
They look like black grapes but they grow straight on the trunk, in a very unusual way! Aall branches are coated with purple-black fruits. This is one of the healthiest of all fruits, and grows in Warm Mediterranean to Cool Tropical climates.
They look like black grapes but they grow straight on the trunk, in a very unusual way! Aall branches are coated with purple-black fruits. This is one of the healthiest of all fruits, and grows in Warm Mediterranean to Cool Tropical climates.
Columnar Greek is a perennial cultivar of basil which grows erect as a column, up to 1 m tall. It has a standard basil flavour, with a slight cinnamon overtone in taste, making it excellent for many Italian, Greek and Asian dishes. It is also very interesting, because it can barely flower. It seldom flowers and only a few branches will bloom, with...
Holy basil is widespread in India and countries of SE Asia. It is a small leaved perennial shrublet, with a basil-mint flavour, used in as a herb in asian cuisine and also medicinally as an "adaptogen". It is said that eating one leaf a day helps for a healthier life.
En général, les arbres fruitiers produisent des fruits pour alimenter les personnes. Alors que certains produisent des fruits considérés comme étant des “superaliments”. Une sorte de fruit qui, en plus d’être bénéfique, a des vitamines ou des nutriments essentiels. Le terme Super-aliment est un nouveau mot qui est utilisé pour beaucoup d’aliments riches...
Most desserts in Thailand owe their taste to this plant! Beautiful dwarf spineless pandanus with aromatic leaves, used as a herb in SE. Asian cuisine. The neat rosette quickly grows in a dense clump of glossy green bold foliage 1-1,3 m tall.
This is one of the most beautiful and versatile ornamental Pandanus. It is totally spineless and it is bushy, with showy stilt roots.
This is the cinnamon commonly used in the Canary Islands. This South American Peperomia smells like the famous spice. It has branching erect stems with succulent rounded leaves. It has multiple medicinal uses in South America.
Piper auritum is an aromatic shrub with large heart-shaped, velvety leaves, which grows in Central America. The common name "hoja santa" means "sacred leaf" in Spanish because it has many uses in Mexican cuisine and also as a medicinal plant. "Caisimon" is the tea, widespread in Cuba is made out of the leaves.
This small scrambling shrub has glossy attractive leaves, used as a popular herb in SE Asia. It is popular in Thailand, where leaves are used as starters, to wrap up bits of different food. The peppery flavour is not really spicy and after a while it is loved by most people.
This edible plant is grown and used much like oreganon. Beautiful thick, hairy leaves and flowers. It is easy to grow in pots and very ornamental. It is a perennial, semi-succulent herb.
Mildly scented shrub to about 1 m tall, with attractive, rounded leaves, and beautiful blue-violet flowers. Plectranthus hyemalis was described in 1984, and it is native to rocky slopes in Southern Yemen, at about 1000 m asl.
.We offer plants of 3 cm caudex.
"Red earth sugarcane" in Polynesian languague is one of the most beautiful cultivars of this useful crop. Stems and leaves grow in a in a wide range of hues, from purple to black, coated with a white shiny wax, increasing the black-and-white contrast.
Big shoots, 50-60cm tall - Vigorous species, widely distributed in Central-Southern Africa. It has larger tall flat leaves, marked with pale green spots and a red margin. It likes shade and grows indoors. Traded in Africa as a medicinal plant.
Native to Southern and Eastern India, this Sansevieria grows to 40-80 cm in height. It is found on dry forested slopes, gravelly soil and rock crevices, less often in the plains, from rather low elevations up to 1000 m.
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Plantes pour la santé