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This variety of Aechmea nudicaulis has slender rosettes, often with pink tones. The inflorescences typically leans on a side,.
The whole world knows the dry nut of andacardium, but few people out of the tropics have tried the fresh fruit which is also edible and very good.
15-20 cm clump. Succulent clumping perennial, relative of the genus Aloe, native to the Cape region of South Africa. Bears nice spikes in Spring and Summer. This is the yellow flowered form.
Upright Northern form of Aechmea nudicaulis, with tapering leaftips, often curly. Leaves turn purple-reddish in the cooler or drier months. It is robust and grows a bit larger than other nudicaulis.
Agave of 5-7 cm (2-3 in). Dwarf Japanese selection of Agave potatorum. It is very compact and grows only to 5-10 cm (2-4") in diameter. Leaves are wide, thick and dusty blue, with few spines.
Carpoxylon is one of the most elegant palms on earth. It is a solitary palm with a very tall dark green crownshaft and regularly arching leaves. Its spreading inflorescences and large red fruits are also very attractive. At the end of the XX century it was considered extinct until it was rediscovered in the gardens of some natives in Vanuatu, who grew it...
NEW ! Tall, terrestrial bromeliads with sword like spineless leaves, producing tall spikes of red flowers. It is a good garden plant for mixed borders. It can grow in a 16 cm pot and bear 1 m tall spikes !
NEW ! - 14-18 cm. Compact species, widespread in centralMexico where it grows at high elevations. It forms a dense, solitaryrosette with typical white "hairs" on the leaves. It tolerates dry frost.
Crassula pubescens ssp. rattrayi grows wild in the summer rainfall areas of the Karroo desert in South Africa. It is perfect for small pots and also as a ground cover in rockeries.
NEW ! - Premium sized specimen of this elegant fern producing "bulblis" on its feathery fronds. The size is more or less like in picture.
This garden selection has wide, dark green rounded-ovate leaves, mottled with cream white and pink. Pseuderanthemums are evergreen shrubs for frost free areas, also suitable to pot colture. They bear thick, glossy onamental foliage but also elegant flowers.
Low growing clumping mesemb with beautiful warty leaves.
Old miniature hybrid. Exceptional white fibres coil and twist on the margins of the stiff, glossy leaves. It is a cross of two subspecies of Agave filifera.
"Pepino", "Pera Melón". Compact bush in the Solanum family, cultivated in many warm countries of the world for its refreshing fruits. They taste much like a melon. They produce fruit very fast, within a year from planting.
This is an elegant variegated clone of the popular garlic flower. Leaves are striped in white and flowers are pink-purple, just as in the typical wild species.
Petra is a classic cultivar of croton, with brightly coloured veins. Leaves start green with bright yellow veining, then they turn orange as they get older and then eventually become green-and-yellow again, as they mature.
This white honeysuckle is a classic of all times. It is a fast growing, robust vine with sweet smelling white flowers. Thesea are developed in pairs and turn cream coloured as they age. It can be kept low as a shrub. It is also used medicinally, both by modern science and by traditional Chinese medicine.