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Beautiful hanging hybrid with pinkish fleshy leaves, obtained by crossing Graptopetalum paraguayense and Sedum pachyphyllum.
Classic pink-flowered selection of the typically mauve-blue flowered wisteria. This climber is a prolific bloomer and thrives in temperate to mediterranean and cool-subtropical climates.
This select clone of the popular Hoya carnosa has some pecultiar beautifully crinkled, leaves, with regular bumps on dark green blades. It is also a prolific bloomer and umbels well placed on the foliage.
Popular tropical palm with smooth grey ringed trunk, a robust grey-green crownshaft, and stiffly ascending, pinnate leaves.
Ursulaea is a new genus, still uncommon in cultivation. It grows as an Aechmea with a beautiful pink-white fuzzy inflorescence and blue flowers. Leaves are silvery underneath, green if hot and shady and golden-copper in cool sunny weather.
East-African Angolluma with creeping speckled stems, producing lime-yellow flowers with a white centre and lots of bright white "hairs".
Small, red-yellow fruits. Fruits in Mid season. High fibres. The tree is small-sized.
Large stapeliad from Central Africa, with grey angular stems. Large dark flowers, un to 5 cm wide, are held in clusters. They are yellow orange inside and then brown-black, with ciliate margins. It can be kept for years as a small collection stapeliad, but the largest specimens in habitat are more than one meter tall!
This variety is one of the most widely grown in the world. Medium size and high weight. The skin is red-yellow-green and the flesh is orange, tough with presence of fibres. Early to mid season.
Field grown adult specimen, about 8 years old from seeds of the yellow-flowered selection of the famous "bird of paradise" flower
Dorstenia foetida is small and "palm-like" in shape. Its caudex has a green-and-grey bark nicely dotted with leaf scars. Arching leaves form a rosette on the top of the stem.
This Agave was described in 2013, from a population in "Kava Ndvi" mountain, in Oaxaca, Mexico. It is absolutely ornamental, with bright pale green rosettes with sraight smooth-margined leaves.
Spiny terrestrial bromeliad with tasty edible fruits. This Bromelia is one of the most widespread of all, since it grows wild from Mexico to Brazil.
This species rocks! It is a creeping plant, with sensitive leaves that respond to touch, heat or wind. When you touch the leaves they quickly close for a few minutes. It is from tropical America and it loves a lot of sun and heat.
Erythrina velutina - Mulungu Majestic tree which is both ornamental and useful, with bright orange-red flowers. It is found in seasonally dry forests of much of South America and it is used in popular medicine throughout most of its range.
It is one of the stoutest and most cold-hardy New Caledonian palms. Kentiopsis oliviformis is a must for collectors, with erect feather leaves and a stout ringed trunk.