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The Sicilian Squill (Scilla sicula) is a bulbous herbaceous perennial (geophyte) with smooth elongate leaves pointed at the tip. It is distinguished by pale flowers and broad, marginally ciliate leaves (with a line of short, white hairs).
One of the most exciting "philos", gloriosum has a glorious heart shaped leaves with elegant pale veins and a velvety surface. It creeps, it does not really climb.
Ornamental banana of moderate size, with very showy pink-orange inflorescences. The whole plant is usually only 2-3 m tall, the foliage is very ornamental and the bright bracts are often held at eye level.
Dasylirion cedrosanum is a little known sotol from in the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, and Durango. In these areas, Dasylirion cedrosanum grows among shrubs or grasses, at 1.000-2.000 m elevation.
Very small palm with "metallic" entire leaves. These have an unusual dark green wich looks dull but also shiny. Group of 3-4 plants sown in the same pot
This mid sized palm is popular in tropical gardens throughout the world.
eBeautiful tree Yucca with blue-gray foliage. Solitary unbranched trunks hold the large spherical crown of blue-gray narrow flexible leaves.
Variegated selection of the popular Yucca native to the SE USA.
Colocasia 'Illustris' is an old classic of tropical gardening. It produces very elegant narrow leaves with dark purple markings and thick veins. Its origin is unknown, but it was first described in 1873 as Alocasia illustris by the renown nurseryman William Bull, in England. A longer, more complete name would be Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum...
Beautiful glossy green spineless Furcraea, native to Northern South America. The beautiful large rosettes attain 2 m in mediterranean conditions and almost 4 m in tropical climates. As most other furcraeas, it will stay small and stable forever if kept in pots.
Small fruit tree native to Eastern South Africa to Tanzania.
6 years - 60-70 cm tall. The largest of all aloes. This South African aloe tree grows as huge as a Dracaena draco and can attain 6-16 m in height. It takes light frosts and it is a must for Mediterranean gardens.
Cadia is an ornamental shrub from Eastern Africa and Arabia, at 500-2100 m asl. It has graceful arching branches with pinnate leaves and bell-shaped pink to purple flowers.
Lithops lesliei is a rather easy to grow living stone which is hypervariable as it occurs in a very wide area of South Africa. This form, albinica, is especially attractive because the whole plant turns golden yellow or bright green depending on the season.
Semi-evergreen species with swollen red flowers, often leaning all on a side and a rather bulky bulb It is a rare and localized species, restricted to three unaccessible populations in the Cape, always found on shaded ledges on vertical cliff faces.
8-12 cm rooted, branched cutting. This pant was collected in the Al Marha province of Yemen. It was originally identified as P.cyindraceus but it is different from the forms found elsewhere.