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Les plantes vivent toujours
Les Fleurs Flamboyantes sont un type de fleurs qui attirent les animaux et permettent la pollinisation. Elles ont une importance cruciale dans les parcs et les jardins. La couleur les rend plus flamboyantes. L’attraction des fleurs flamboyantes perdure lorsque la plante est en vie et sa beauté se trouve dans ses feuilles qui sont de couleur très vive. Ces fleurs ajoutent de la beauté et offrent de la couleur à votre jardin. Sur notre boutique en ligne, vous serez en mesure de découvrir une grande variété de ces fleurs, comme: la Clivia x Cyrtanthiflora, le Convolvulus cneorum, l’Heliconia stricta 'Jamaïcain Nain' parmi bien d’autres.
Frost-hardy exotic-looking shrub with showy pendulous flowers reminiscent of chinese lanterns.
What an exotic, wonderful shrub! Cat's tail acalypha or Chenille Plant is a showy rounded shrub, with wide green leaves and spectacular tails of bright red flowers, produced throughout the year. It loves HOT temperatures and will die with frost but it can be pruned and saved indoors every winter.
"Holly Mangrove" is a spiny but very ornamental aquatic shrub from SE Asia. Spikes of blue-pink flowers are produced throughout the warmer months.
The most delicate-looking of all the wild adeniums, this "bohemian" Adenium has pink flowers with rounded petals and round tipped spathulate leaves.
Adenium obesum is the well known rose-of-the-desert and it is widespread in Africa and very variable.
Socotranum is one the most admired species in the genus Adenium. It attains a huge size, of two, three or more meters in height. Showy clusters of pink flowers are regularly produced in Adult plants.
Adenium somalense is one of the most beautiful caudiciform plants. It grows wild in Somalia and through the Rift Valley into Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. Depending on the area, its trunk can take different shapes from a fat shrub to a small tree (more than 4 m), differently from the similar species A. obesum whose caudex is mainly underground. The showy...
Adenium somalense is one of the most beautiful caudiciform plants. It grows wild in Somalia and through the Rift Valley into Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. Depending on the area, its trunk can take different shapes from a fat shrub to a small tree (more than 4 m), differently from the similar species A. obesum whose caudex is mainly underground. The showy...
Large landscaping bromeliad with wide, hard leaves. Colour turns from green to purple or orange-yellow according to light and temperature. Ornamental pink-orange inflorescences in Summer, lasting 2-3 months. Hardy to light, short frost.
One of the best large bromeliads, widely used in tropical garden design. Leaves reach intense orange-yellow colour in full sun. Native to the Atlantic coast of Brazil. Hardy to about -1 C (30 F).
One of the best large bromeliads, perfect for tropical garden design. So red!
Buy here an adult sized specimen of this landscaping bromeliad, about 80-100 cm tall. We will select a plant which is ready to flower in less than one year, in the following June-August season. Then the show will last until Christmas. Large blanchetianas are a must in tropical gardening and will soon form showy colourful masses.
An old classic in fine tropical gardening. This mid to large bromeliad has stiff glossy leaves and a very long lasting, bright inflorescence, shimmering in blue and red.
This bromeliad shows the reddest red you can imagine. Flowers and fruits shine during months above the apple green wide foliage.
Fast growing mat-forming bromeliad. Small rosettes of pale green leaves produce bright spikes of pink and purple flowers, in the colder winter months. It can take low temperatures with little or no damage at -7 C (20 F) for several hours.
Mid-large ornamental Aechmea, native to Eastern Brazil. Leaves are copper-red when exposed to high light and it produces large upright inflorescences with yellow-red tones. They last for a long time as they become infructescences, with colourful berries.
This is a "wow hybrid" with white-marginated wide leaves and a long lasting bright bloom. Aechmea x 'Friederike' is a cross of : Aechmea chantinii x Aechmea fasciata, mutated through in vitro cultivation, developed at Corn. Bak nurseries in Holland and released in 1984.
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Fleurs voyantes