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Les plantes vivent toujours
Les Fleurs Flamboyantes sont un type de fleurs qui attirent les animaux et permettent la pollinisation. Elles ont une importance cruciale dans les parcs et les jardins. La couleur les rend plus flamboyantes. L’attraction des fleurs flamboyantes perdure lorsque la plante est en vie et sa beauté se trouve dans ses feuilles qui sont de couleur très vive. Ces fleurs ajoutent de la beauté et offrent de la couleur à votre jardin. Sur notre boutique en ligne, vous serez en mesure de découvrir une grande variété de ces fleurs, comme: la Clivia x Cyrtanthiflora, le Convolvulus cneorum, l’Heliconia stricta 'Jamaïcain Nain' parmi bien d’autres.
Wow! "Qué será", Whatever will be will be, is a supershowy, fiercely spined bromeliad suitable for non-tropical climates. Its leaves have cream-yellow stripes on dark green with pink hues. It is not too large and eventually produces a spectacular red inflorescence. It is remarkably hardy to light frosts.
Bromelia flemingii, is a bromeliad with ferocious thorns, suitable for non-tropical climates. Its leaves are dark green with pink hues. It produces a spectacular red inflorescence. It is remarkably resistant to light frost.
Spiny terrestrial bromeliad with tasty edible fruits. This Bromelia is one of the most widespread of all, since it grows wild from Mexico to Brazil.
This species is one of the most admired flowering bulbs of the winter-rainfall South African desert. It is a piece of art of plant symmetry, with perfectly flat and wide leaves with round-tips and the inflorescence is a gorgeous sphere of glossy pink flowers.
Brunsvigia josephinae, commonly called Josephine's lily or candelabra lily, is a deciduous, subtropical species of Brunsvigia originating from South Africa.
Cadia is an ornamental shrub from Eastern Africa and Arabia, at 500-2100 m asl. It has graceful arching branches with pinnate leaves and bell-shaped pink to purple flowers.
Evergreen bulb with ornamental foliage and flowers. With its white blooms, it looks like a miniature Eucharis, and actually the genus Caliphruria is related to Eucharis
Callistemon citrinus, commonly called scarlet bottlebrush, lemon bottlebrush or red bottlebrush, is a large evergreen tropical shrub native to Australia.
Imrpressive tough bromeliad in the genus Wittrockia. This form has a special attractive dark mottling on the leaves. The inflorescence comes out as a very large flower-like structure or red-maroon colours. Not a hybrid, this is probably a local form of Wittrockia gigantea, formerly known as Canistrum giganteum. It is easy to grow, but quite slow.
Purple leaved canna, commonly cultivated in Northern Tenerife. Thick purple leaves are held erect and have some bluish tones.
Mid-sized canna with very simple red flowers with orange-marbled throats. It is robust and ever-blooming. This is possibly a wild form or an old cultivated strain brought from Venezuela many years ago.
Mid-sized canna with very simple yellow flowers with orange-marbled throats. It is robust and ever-blooming. This is possibly a wild form or an old cultivated strain brought from Venezuela many years ago.
Fabulous tropical foliage from a cold-hardy Canna! Up to 2 meters in height, with large bold erect leaves, with wavy margins. Leaf colour is absolutely vibrant, glossy red, burgundy, and dark green. It is reminiscent of the famed tropical Heliconia indica with red foliage.
This variegated Canna selected in Germany produces leaves variably variegated with stripes of different shades of white. Also the flowers are often variegated! It loves moisture and can reach anything between 1 and 3 m in height, depending on the length of your growing season.
The highly ornamental species is native to a small area in southeastern coastal Madagascar by Saint Lucie, in the humid coastal forest and there is threatened with habitat loss from deforestation and mining. Leaves are succulent, dark green and glossy and flowers are deep purple and showy, with a metallic shine.
Mediterranean capers are an incredible source of flavour. Plants grows on sunny and rocky slopes, often by the coast. They are winter-deciduous and come back each year with lovely rounded leaves, which are often purple when they sprout.
Spiny evergreen shrub with fragrant jazmine-like flowers and red, fleshy fruits. They are edible and sweet despite bleeding a white sap when cut.
Subtropical shrub with a graceful pinnate foliage very long flowering season. The bright yellow inflorescences have a pleasant nutty scent if rubbed with the fingers.
In short words, this is the American Baobab. This American bottle tree is related to true baobabs of the genus Adansonia, which are only found in Africa, Madagascar and Australia: Cavanillesia also looks similar in habit because of its gigantic swollen trunk
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Fleurs voyantes