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Les plantes vivent toujours
Les Fleurs Flamboyantes sont un type de fleurs qui attirent les animaux et permettent la pollinisation. Elles ont une importance cruciale dans les parcs et les jardins. La couleur les rend plus flamboyantes. L’attraction des fleurs flamboyantes perdure lorsque la plante est en vie et sa beauté se trouve dans ses feuilles qui sont de couleur très vive. Ces fleurs ajoutent de la beauté et offrent de la couleur à votre jardin. Sur notre boutique en ligne, vous serez en mesure de découvrir une grande variété de ces fleurs, comme: la Clivia x Cyrtanthiflora, le Convolvulus cneorum, l’Heliconia stricta 'Jamaïcain Nain' parmi bien d’autres.
It is native in southern Namibia and north-western South Africa. The bulb can grow to five or even 13 centimetres in diameter, the entire plant to 20 centimetres in height. The flowers are scarlet. This is a winter-grower.
This evergreen bulb is closely related to the widespread Haemanthus albiflos and it is just as easy in cultivation.
Cool-hardy ginger, with a particularly beautiful dense inflorescence, consisting of many, attractive, delicately scented orange-red flowers with striking stamens. Growth is quite upright and an adult clump can reach up to 2 m in height.
This hard to find species is an excellent garden subject, suitable to non-tropical climates. It blooms in April to August in the Canary Islands. Bracts are solid, glossy purplish red, with bright yellow flowers inside.
Classic, deep-red clone of Heliconia caribaea, which is one of the best and easiest of all heliconias. lt blooms in June-August, at 2-4 m in height. This species is pectacular in the garden and spectacular as a cut flower.
Heliconia caribaea is usually red in colour, but this clone has dark yellow blooms. This species is one of the best and easiest of all heliconias. Full sun keeps it compact and full of blooms.
Great species, from the mountains of Central America, good for cool subtropical gardens. It is a strong grower, with spectacular pink pendant inflorescences. Leaves are shiny green above and waxy white below. New sprouts are started in March and bloom late, in September-November.
Leaves are wide, purple-maroon beneath. Inflorescences are pendant, with variable shades of red, yellow, green and purple. This Heliconia is a magnificent beauty, good for subtropical climates. It comes from Colombia and Ecuador, at 800 - 2200 m elevation.
Hanging heliconia of unusual beauty, with velvety-hairy pink inflorescences and gorgeous foliage, which is glossy and marron underneath.
Pendula is one of the best heliconia for landscaping, because it grows as a tight clump with stems and underleaves beautifully coated with white wax.
Rostrata is the most classic pendent heliconia, native to Tropical South America. A must for any tropical garden.
Cold-hardy heliconia native to the cool mountains of Eastern Mexico. Heliconia schiedeana has a bold, glossy light-green foliage, holding attractive red inflorescences in Summer or Fall. It is a must for any tropical garden in a non-tropical area.
This very small form of Heliconia stricta is the most popular dwarf Heliconia: a favorite of all times because of its small stature and miniature blooms, with bright orange red-bracts. It is very easy to grow and fits well as a potted specimen in any small greenhouse, while it is also used in tropical landscaping, planted in beds.
Supreme bloomer for garden landscaping, pot-growing and cut flowers. This "bird of fire" is a very consistant bloomer with glossy erect red inflorescences of medium size. Each bract is enhanced with green and burgundy edges. The plant is small and flowers are produced at 1,2-1,7 m in height, which is both good for the eyes to watch and the hands to pick!
This heliconia grows to 2-4 m in height and produces erect blooms with red, cream and green colours. For this unusual display of contrasts it is often called "rainbow heliconia".
This ornamental hybrid that has it all: extended prolific blooming, cold-resistance, dwarf size, excellent as cut-flower. It was obtained by crossing Heliconia psittacorum x Heliconia spathocircinata 'Golden Torch Adrian'
Prolific, almost-everblooming Heliconia hybrid, with a bright yellow colour. It is quite short growing, about 100-150 cm cm tall and it is also hardy to short light frosts-
We selected this hybrid here in Tenerife. It is a particularly nice and hardy cross between Heliconia subulata and H. pendula, which are two cool-hardy species, good for the subtropics.
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Fleurs voyantes