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Les plantes vivent toujours
Les Fleurs Flamboyantes sont un type de fleurs qui attirent les animaux et permettent la pollinisation. Elles ont une importance cruciale dans les parcs et les jardins. La couleur les rend plus flamboyantes. L’attraction des fleurs flamboyantes perdure lorsque la plante est en vie et sa beauté se trouve dans ses feuilles qui sont de couleur très vive. Ces fleurs ajoutent de la beauté et offrent de la couleur à votre jardin. Sur notre boutique en ligne, vous serez en mesure de découvrir une grande variété de ces fleurs, comme: la Clivia x Cyrtanthiflora, le Convolvulus cneorum, l’Heliconia stricta 'Jamaïcain Nain' parmi bien d’autres.
Also known as Hawaiian Yellow Plumeria and Graveyard Plumeria. This cultivar has large flowers with a big yellow center that fades to a creamy white at the tips.
Old cultivar from Sicily with a truly different white-and-yellow flower, with very slender petals and strong scent. The bark is silvery, somehow like Plumeria 'Palermitana'. Nobody knows if it is a Sicilian selection or if it was brought from somewhere else at least one century ago.
TPP is a friendly version of its rather lengthy Thai name, which is spelled in many ways: Thippatumporn, Thippatumporn, Thiphathumton, Tippratumporn, Tippratummaporn. Its flowers have thick petals with can be pink, orange or white depending on temperature/season, but they always show an unmistakeable brown tone. It is a good bloomer, with dense...
Wild-type plumeria with robust growth, large leaves and spectacular drooping inflorescences of typical white flowers with yellow center. It is a heavy-bloomer and the growth is spreading, so the tree is dome-shaped, not vertical. We really do not know if it is of wild origin or not, but by sure it is a very old clone that has been here in Tenerife for...
Beautiful non-hybrid plumeria with thin, glossy thread-like leaves, dark green above and yellowish below. It blooms abundantly in during the growing season.
Dwarf, shrubby plumeria, probably selected from the wild forms of Plumeria obtusa that grow on the hills in Northern Cuba.
This plumeria endemic to karstic areas in Northern Cuba has narrow leaves with very revolute margins.
This plumeria endemic to karstic areas in Northern Cuba has narrow leaves with very revolute margins. 80cm tall specimen.
One of the most beautiful of all plumerias. The true wild Plumeria obtusa from Cuba is less ornamental than this one.
Semi-evergreen wild species from Northern South America. This plant is a true show! The most abundant blooming of all plumerias but no it has scent. It is all white !
'Arrow' is the only variegated Plumeria pudica. Leaves are "arrow-shaped", just in the typical green form, but they are irregularly marginated in white and cream.
Here we offer a larger plant of this semi-evergreen wild species from Northern South America. This plant is a true show! The most abundant blooming of all plumerias but it has almost no scent. It is all white !
This is a wild form of Plumeria rubra, not a hybrid or a selection as ALL the ones you will find in the trade. Wild types are tough guys from the coastal scrubs of Central America, able to withstand truly harsh conditions. It is very vigorous with large leaves. Flowers are white with a yellow center.
Plumeria trinitensis It is an endemic species distributed in the central region of Cuba. It has a tree-like growth habit. Caribbean species of this genus have white flowers with a yellow center.
Polygala myrtifolia is an evergreen 2-4m tall South African shrub or small tree found along the southern and south-eastern coasts. It is a showy ornamental for mediterranean climates and it is hardy to about -4 C.
Portea alatisepala is endemic to the state of Bahia and the Atlantic Forest biome, located in southeastern Brazil. The foliage of this 'Purple' clone is attractive all year long, of a strong copper-purple colour. It is a majestic ornamental despite its spiny margins.
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Fleurs voyantes