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Les plantes vivent toujours
Les Fruits, les Herbes et les Plantes Médicinales sont destinées à offrir une meilleure santé. Dans cette section, chaque type de plante offre des propriétés bienfaisantes, que ce soit des arbres fruitiers (le Feijoa, l’Ananas, le Fino de Jete, etc.) et des plantes pour la santé, telles que le Graviola, l’Aloe Vera, le Callisia fragrans, etc. Au sein du métabolisme normal des êtres vivants, l’organisme produit certaines substances à partir de nutriments latents dans l’environnement; certaines de ces réactions chimiques font partie du processus de toutes (ou presque) les espèces. Normalement, les composants utiles sont concentrés dans certaines parties: feuilles, graines, fleurs, etc. Découvrez quelle plante vous est recommandée et achetez-la en ligne!
Dans cette section, nous avons réunis ces plantes qui sont censées avoir un effet positif sur la santé. Ces espèces appartiennent à différentes familles de plantes et de différentes régions du monde. La diversité de la culture humaine a appris à vivre avec la diversité des plantes et certaines espèces sont devenus thérapeutique ou médicament. Certains, comme l'aloe vera poussent dans des conditions ensoleillées et sèches et peuvent vivre dans un petit pot. Certaines autres deviendront de grands arbres et auront de besoin d'espace et de temps pour grandir. Souvenez-vous: soyez prudent, toutes ces plantes ne sont pas comestibles, certaines sont toxiques si elles sont consommées ou appliquées sur la peau.
This is a select clone of Cutleaf Evergreen Blackberry with a long fruiting season, perfect for the family garden, with 2-3 cm large sweet and juicy fruits. It has a truly elegant palmate foliage, finely divided. This blackberry tolerates hard frost and grows outdoors in cold Europe. It also does well in hot mediterranean climates - as we know it fruits...
Rubus phoenicolasius is an Asian species of raspberry in the rose family, native to China, Japan, and Korea.The species is a perennial plant which bears biennial stes frmom the perennial root system.
Rubus Tayberry (Rubus fruticosus x R. idaeus) is a cultivated shrub in the genus Rubus of the family Rosaceae patented in 1979 as a cross between a blackberry and a red raspberry, and named after the river Tay in Scotland.The fruit is sweeter, much larger, and more aromatic than that of the loganberry, itself a blackberry and red raspberry cross.
"Hapai" in Polynesian languague means pregnant, because this cane has "bellies, as the internodes are swollen. This is an ancient cultivar of Sugarcane.
Pack of two super-thick cuttings ready to sprout. Yellow stemmed cultivar we got in San Andres, Anaga. This type is widespread in the Canary Islands.
Old, classic sugarcane, with purple-black internodes. It is a great choice for the family orchard because of its thick, compact growth and its beauty. Badila's juice is darker in colour too, It grows erect, straight, short and thick black stalks.
Pack of two super-thick cuttings ready to sprout. Stems are yellow-pink with abundant white wax, giving the name Caña Blanca (White Cane). Sugar cane attains 3-5 m (9-15 ft) and grows in tropical to warm Mediterranean climates.
ONE super-thick cutting ready to sprout - Striped-stemmed sugar cane with glossy colourful stems with yellow and dark red lines. Very ornamental! Very good flavour and tender skin. Not really "variegated" but still beautifully striped.
Traditional Cuban sugar cane, often planted in family orchards.
Old cultivar of sugarcane from the SE U.S.A., made for chewing, juice, candy-making, syrup production and, last and also sugar production, even if it new cultivars replaced it long ago in the industy.We offer a potted rooted plant.
"Red earth sugarcane" in Polynesian languague is one of the most beautiful cultivars of this useful crop. Stems and leaves grow in a in a wide range of hues, from purple to black, coated with a white shiny wax, increasing the black-and-white contrast.
Non-tropical sugarcane which has been traditionally grown in the upper parts of SE USA (coastal Georgia)The juice is deep purple and not yellow, as in most sugarcane cultivars.The flavour is pleasantly grassy and not too sweet.
‘Ie‘ie' is the Hawaiian name for the forest vine Freycinetia arborea, a climbing Pandanaceae with ribbon-leaves similar to those of sugarcane.We offer a potted rooted plant.
Big shoots, 50-60cm tall - Vigorous species, widely distributed in Central-Southern Africa. It has larger tall flat leaves, marked with pale green spots and a red margin. It likes shade and grows indoors. Traded in Africa as a medicinal plant.
Native to Southern and Eastern India, this Sansevieria grows to 40-80 cm in height. It is found on dry forested slopes, gravelly soil and rock crevices, less often in the plains, from rather low elevations up to 1000 m.
The Soap Tree, Soapberry or 'jaboncillo' is is a tree native to the Americas and some Pacific Islands. The fruit occur in large pyramidal clusters at the ends of branches and it is very soapy. You can actually wash your hands by simply rubbing the fruits! It is very easy to grow, also in pots, and can easily take short, light frost so it is suitable for...
Sauropus is a S.E. Asian perennial vegetable, which is very widespread in the home gardens of tropical Asia. Leaves are tasty and often eaten cooked, even though the younger leaves can be eaten raw and their taste is reminiscent of fresh peas.
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Fruits, Herbes et Plantes Médicinales