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Les plantes vivent toujours
Les Fruits, les Herbes et les Plantes Médicinales sont destinées à offrir une meilleure santé. Dans cette section, chaque type de plante offre des propriétés bienfaisantes, que ce soit des arbres fruitiers (le Feijoa, l’Ananas, le Fino de Jete, etc.) et des plantes pour la santé, telles que le Graviola, l’Aloe Vera, le Callisia fragrans, etc. Au sein du métabolisme normal des êtres vivants, l’organisme produit certaines substances à partir de nutriments latents dans l’environnement; certaines de ces réactions chimiques font partie du processus de toutes (ou presque) les espèces. Normalement, les composants utiles sont concentrés dans certaines parties: feuilles, graines, fleurs, etc. Découvrez quelle plante vous est recommandée et achetez-la en ligne!
Dans cette section, nous avons réunis ces plantes qui sont censées avoir un effet positif sur la santé. Ces espèces appartiennent à différentes familles de plantes et de différentes régions du monde. La diversité de la culture humaine a appris à vivre avec la diversité des plantes et certaines espèces sont devenus thérapeutique ou médicament. Certains, comme l'aloe vera poussent dans des conditions ensoleillées et sèches et peuvent vivre dans un petit pot. Certaines autres deviendront de grands arbres et auront de besoin d'espace et de temps pour grandir. Souvenez-vous: soyez prudent, toutes ces plantes ne sont pas comestibles, certaines sont toxiques si elles sont consommées ou appliquées sur la peau.
Saturn peaches are smaller and flatter than a regular peach. Their skin is yellow and red, and they are usually less fuzzy than ordinary peaches. Their flesh is also a lot firmer, sweeter and more fragrant than a regular peach. The inside of the peach is pale in appearance.
.We offer plants of 3 cm caudex.
1,5-3 m shrub, suitable for pot culture. Glossy leaves and round, ornamental flavourful fruits, often used in sorbets or sauces and drinks. Very rich in Vitamin C.Resistant to short frosts down to -5°C.
A relative of the true guava with smaller fruits. It is 2-5 m tall, suitable for pots and can be pruned low. It takes frost to about -4 C, so it is suitable for Mediterranean gardens.
Araca-Una or Purple Forest Guava is a bush reminiscent of Strawberry Guava, native to the Atlantic rainforest region of Brazil. It tolerates short light frosts. It is a hard-to-find species, formerly named Marlierea.
Very appealing guava cultivar, which is both ornamental and edible. The whole plant is colourful, with red-purple leaves, pink flowers and red-maroon fruits with pink sweet flesh. Its bark is copper coloured and peels regularly to expose shades of pink and green.
Low growing Cuban selection of Guava, with white fleshed fruits. This smaller variety can be kept as a shrub and can fruit in pots.Guava is a very aromatic fruit and grows outdoors in Coastal Mediterranean to Tropical Climates.
Guava is a subtropical perennial tree native to the American tropics that has become a wild plant in many tropical regions of the planet. The Aztecs called them "xalxocotl" that means "sand plum" because the many small edib
The variety White Supreme is a good commercial cultivar developed in Florida. Guava is a subtropical perennial tree native to the American tropics that has become a wild plant in many tropical regions of the planet.
This dwarf guava was originally brought from Reunion Island. It is a super dwarf guava with miniature leaves and small, good fruits. It is more a conversation peace than a real fruit tree, but it a nice choice for the fruit collector. It is possibly in the species Psidium guava.
Dente di Cavallo is a traditional Italian variety of cold-hardy pomegranate. Fruits ripen at the end of September. They are medium-large, with a green skin tinged with red. Inside it is ruby red, sweet and delicate in flavour. The seeds are hard, woody inside, reminiscent of horse teeth (that means "dente di cavallo") due to their trapezoidal shape.
This is the most popular cultivar of pomegranate from Spain. Easy to grow, it quickly bears pink-red large good fruits of even size, with dark red arils and very small and soft seeds. They ripen between October and November. Pomegranates are vigorous small trees, resistant to moderate frost and heavy droughts. They can be kept as large shrubs of 2-3 m and...
Parfianka is considered by many the most tasty or flavourful cultiva of this fruit. It belongs to the group of "Russian Pomgranates", which are known for being early-bearers and for their resistance to frost and heat.
Wonderful is a self-fertile variety selected in the USA, and today it is one of the most cultivated in the the world. Fruits ripen at the end of October with an intense and uniform red colour, often glossy. They are large in size, with a rounded shape and elongated crown. Taste is sweet and acid and seeds are rather soft.
Also known as 'Blanca de Aranjuez'. Spanish cultivar of excellent quality. It ripens in mid summer.More than 4 months keeping. Very productive, with an excellent taste and vigorous habit.
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Fruits, Herbes et Plantes Médicinales