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Les plantes vivent toujours
Les Fruits, les Herbes et les Plantes Médicinales sont destinées à offrir une meilleure santé. Dans cette section, chaque type de plante offre des propriétés bienfaisantes, que ce soit des arbres fruitiers (le Feijoa, l’Ananas, le Fino de Jete, etc.) et des plantes pour la santé, telles que le Graviola, l’Aloe Vera, le Callisia fragrans, etc. Au sein du métabolisme normal des êtres vivants, l’organisme produit certaines substances à partir de nutriments latents dans l’environnement; certaines de ces réactions chimiques font partie du processus de toutes (ou presque) les espèces. Normalement, les composants utiles sont concentrés dans certaines parties: feuilles, graines, fleurs, etc. Découvrez quelle plante vous est recommandée et achetez-la en ligne!
Dans cette section, nous avons réunis ces plantes qui sont censées avoir un effet positif sur la santé. Ces espèces appartiennent à différentes familles de plantes et de différentes régions du monde. La diversité de la culture humaine a appris à vivre avec la diversité des plantes et certaines espèces sont devenus thérapeutique ou médicament. Certains, comme l'aloe vera poussent dans des conditions ensoleillées et sèches et peuvent vivre dans un petit pot. Certaines autres deviendront de grands arbres et auront de besoin d'espace et de temps pour grandir. Souvenez-vous: soyez prudent, toutes ces plantes ne sont pas comestibles, certaines sont toxiques si elles sont consommées ou appliquées sur la peau.
Mango cultivar developed in 1958 in Chiapas, Mexico, typical for its shape reminiscent of an upside-down pear. Golden yellow skin, without fibres. Autaulfo now became the second commercial mango in the United States.
Large and elongated yellow fruit, very sweet and aromatic.
Edward has green-yellow fruits of medium size, about 500 g each, with low fibres presence. It has a juicy and melting texture. Early season.
Beautiful and tasy red-skinned fibreless mango. It is a selected seedling of Tommy Atkins. Fruits are large-sized and ripen well in the Canary Islands and other Mediterranean cimates with dry summers.
This cultivar of mango has a small sized crown and fruits in colder areas than many other mangos. It bears sweet, juicy flavoured Mango with no fibre. It is an excellent early variety, with an average weight of 350 g per fruit.
Hawaiian mango cultivar. Fruit medium to large (300-500 g), sweet, juicy, no fiber, richly flavored. It is a high quality mango, attractively coloured, with late, uneven ripening.
Haden is an early bearing variety. It produces red-yellow oblong fruits of an average size(500gr-700gr.) with yellow-orange flesh.
Fruit medium to large (300-500 g), sweet, juicy, no fiber, richly flavored. It is a high quality mango, attractively coloured, with late, uneven ripening.
Bright yellow fruit with red blush, round, with a size between 600-800 gr. It has a very sweet flavor, with hints of plum.
Heidi is a late bearing mango cultivar. It is yellow-red skinned at maturity, with sweet and spicy flavour and low fibre presence in a yellow pulp, it grows in between 400-500gr. Widely grown in South Africa and India. It does well in the Canary Islands.
Early cultivar with red-orange fruits of average weight. Low fibres. Developed in the 40's, it is still popular due to its good production, miuld but sweet flavor, disease resistance, and attractive color. The tree is small-sized.
Large, heavy, oval fruits with yellow-red skin. Early to mid-season fruiting. Very low fibres. 450 to 600gr.
Dwarf mango tree with huge purple-green juicy fruits of about 1 kg each. One of the most colourful of all. Bears late in season. Not really cold hardy, but being "dwarf" it can be easily protected in winter, grown in a greenhouse or trained on a wall.
This is one of the most sought after american mangos. It grows and fruits very well in non-tropical countries! It bears average sized, ovoid fruits with yellow-green skin. It has a low-average fibre presence. Early to mid-season.
Semi dwarf mango that can be trained at 3 m or below in height. It bears late in season large pruprle-red fruits with firm, juicy yellow flesh, aromatic and has an intensely sweet. It is a candidate fro growing in cold areas since it is dwarf, late and has a lot of resistance to fungal diseases.
A truly different mango with a citrusy flavour. This is an early bearing cultivar, with a unique taste, different from most other mangos.
Fruits of Mango "Lippens" are medium sized but short in length. The skin is yellow-pink and the yellow flesh is soft with low presence of fibres. Ripens in mid season. The tree is small-sized and is recommended for cooler locations.
"New Generation" mango, developed for family use and not for the industry. Small sized tree with regular production of extremely flavourful fibre-free sweet fruits. Different people recognize different aromas and some will taste melon, papaya, honey, figs or so. Read more in the longer description!
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Fruits, Herbes et Plantes Médicinales