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Les plantes vivent toujours
Les Fruits, les Herbes et les Plantes Médicinales sont destinées à offrir une meilleure santé. Dans cette section, chaque type de plante offre des propriétés bienfaisantes, que ce soit des arbres fruitiers (le Feijoa, l’Ananas, le Fino de Jete, etc.) et des plantes pour la santé, telles que le Graviola, l’Aloe Vera, le Callisia fragrans, etc. Au sein du métabolisme normal des êtres vivants, l’organisme produit certaines substances à partir de nutriments latents dans l’environnement; certaines de ces réactions chimiques font partie du processus de toutes (ou presque) les espèces. Normalement, les composants utiles sont concentrés dans certaines parties: feuilles, graines, fleurs, etc. Découvrez quelle plante vous est recommandée et achetez-la en ligne!
Dans cette section, nous avons réunis ces plantes qui sont censées avoir un effet positif sur la santé. Ces espèces appartiennent à différentes familles de plantes et de différentes régions du monde. La diversité de la culture humaine a appris à vivre avec la diversité des plantes et certaines espèces sont devenus thérapeutique ou médicament. Certains, comme l'aloe vera poussent dans des conditions ensoleillées et sèches et peuvent vivre dans un petit pot. Certaines autres deviendront de grands arbres et auront de besoin d'espace et de temps pour grandir. Souvenez-vous: soyez prudent, toutes ces plantes ne sont pas comestibles, certaines sont toxiques si elles sont consommées ou appliquées sur la peau.
This taro shows an unusual leaf shape, as the sides of each blade are curled upwards. It is quite productive; its corms have a reddish skin and harvest time is 8-12 months.
Leaves are green, leaf stalks are matte, often tinged with a pinkish.brownish hue. It is used in polynesian cuisine to prepare a "fairly good poi".
This is one of the most beautiful taros! Bright pink leaf stalks hold green leaves. Corms are used in traditional polynesian cuisine both for Poi and for Table use, steamed, baked, fried or boiled.
Colocasia gigantea, also called giant elephant ear or Indian taro, is a 1.5–3 m tall herb with a large, fibrous, inedible corm, producing at its apex a whorl of large leaves.
The plain green form is the ancestor of all ornamental forms of Cordyline fruticosa. It is more robust and hardy than most. It is widespread in the Pacific Islands where it is ubiquitously planted. This plant is very useful for cooking and for medicinal purposes. Leaves are used to wrap and cook all types of food, roots are edible too.
Pot = 6 cm, Branched Plant - Elegant, shrubby South African succulent with blueish ovate leaves. It thrives in Mediterranean climates and takes frosts to about -4 C. It is widely used in South African traditional medicine.
This extraordinaty exotic ornamental tree is a real people stopper. It profusely produces intensely fragrant red and pink flowers.
Crescentia cujete is not a typical fruit tree because fruits are not edible, but they are still some of the most useful fruits in this world.
Curcuma caesia, black turmeric or black zedoary, is a perennial herb with bluish-black rhizomes that is native to northeast India.
Turmeric is a basic spice in Asian cuisine, used as a food dye in the whole world. A bit of turmeric added to any dish will prevent arthrosis and many other health problems.
Both ornamental and useful, white turmeric is a deciduous ginger. It starts growth in April-June, with a very showy pink-white inflorescence, shooting up from the ground.
Vranja' is possibly the best known cultivar of Quince and it has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
Dang is a Thai cultivar of crisp-fleshed longan. It is a heavy-bearing variety with fair quality fruit, but it is not particularly crisp. Fruits are sweet, quite large with with good flavour. Stems are reddish.
Thai cultivar of Longan seldom offered in the trade. It has good taste, good fruit size, good production... Despite its almost hilarious name for english-spreakers !
Grafted tree. Haew is a large fruited selection of longan, an excellent sweet fruit related to lychee. This late-ripening cultivar is good for non-tropical climates.
Grafted Tree. This is a very good longan from Northern Thailand, with crispy texture. A mid-season, very sweet, cultivar for non-tropical climates. The foliage is very ornamental and it makes an excellent garden tree.
Chinese yam is a large climbing plant with arrow-shaped leaves. The tubers are cylindrical, with lots of tiny bumbs., They edible and usually cooked, but they can also be eaten raw. The plant is hardy to -17 C.
The “rojo brillante” is the most popular Spanish cultivar of astringent persimmon. These trees show short stature with large sized fruits. The skin is orange-red and the flesh is intense yellow-orange. No seeds!
Pour le moment, il ya peu de produits dans cette catégorie Fruits, Herbes et Plantes Médicinales