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Flores vistosas; este tipo de flores atraen a los animales y hace posible la polinización. Tienen una importancia esencial en parques y jardines. El color las hace más vistosas. El atractivo de las flores vistosas permanece mientras la planta está viva y su belleza reside en sus hojas, que son de color brillante.
Estas flores aportan belleza y color a cualquier jardín. En nuestra tienda online podrá encontrar una variedad de flores vistosas, tales como: Clivia x Cyrtanthiflora, Convolvulus cneorum, Heliconia stricta 'enana jamaicana', entre otros.
A classic of subtropical gardening. This is one of the cold-hardiest coral-trees and it is quite easy to grow and bloom, with fabulous sprays of large coral-red flowers. It can be a small shrub to a tree of 10 or more meters in height.
This Dwarf Coral Tree is native to Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico. It is a shrub with white bark, erect growth and truly showy scarlet flowers. It is suited to warm temperatate to subtropical climates. Its small size and frost resistance ( to about -6 C !) make it suitable for Northern latitudes.
Dwarf Coral Tree is native to Natal, in South Africa. It is a densely branched deciduous shrub, with scarlet flowers on black flower stalks, standing above the foliage during a long time. It is suited to mediterranean climates and takes light frosts.
Small tree from dry South Africa with unusually thick branches and unsually wide trifoliate leaves. These are gorgeous, velvety, with a few spines. It is very ornamental. It starts its life with a caudex and can stay in a pot for eons, keeping a nice caudex with very short shoots. Inforescences show the fabulous classic erythrina-red colour and flowers...
Tree 4-20 m tall, with corky bark and hooked spines on the branches. The flowers have the beautiful red so typical of the genus Erythrina.
Wili-wili, or Erythrina sandwicensis is endemic to the dry side of the Hawaiian Islands. It is almost a succulent plant, as it often grows on dry lava rock, with a thick trunk. Flower colours range through different hues and each specimen is different: they can be Green to Yellow to different types of Orange.
Erythrina velutina - Mulungu Majestic tree which is both ornamental and useful, with bright orange-red flowers. It is found in seasonally dry forests of much of South America and it is used in popular medicine throughout most of its range.
One of the showiest variegated plants in the world ! This Asian plant from the ginger family has large dark-green leaves striped in a rich yellow. Large plants will eventually bloom with a spectacular inflorescence of white and yellow flowers, reminiscent of orchids.
This is the pink form of a fabulous exotic bloom! "Torch gingers" are tropical ornamental plants of supreme beauty. The torch-like inflorescence is produced at eye level and the vegetative shoots are also very elegant. It is used as a food ingredient for delicacies in SE Asia and also as a medicine.
This is an elegant hybrid of Monadenium coccineum with an unknown father.
Felicia amelloides is a species of flowering plant of the family Asteraceae, native to South Africa.
Multi purpose tree native to tropical dry forests in Mexico and Central America. It has been introduced and planted in many countries bordering the Caribbean for many reasons.
Perennal plant native from Africa and Asia.
Densely branched shrub with exotic bell-shaped flowers, produced during 2 or 3 months in Spring. This rare endemic of Eastern Cape is far from common in cultivation but it is very resistant to drought and frost.
This large bromeliad has a spectacular inflorescence that extends above the cone-shaped leaves, hence its name 'conifer'.Its leaves are long and narrow and dark green in color.
These bulbs are now about five years old, sown from seeds in 2019.
It is native in southern Namibia and north-western South Africa. The bulb can grow to five or even 13 centimetres in diameter, the entire plant to 20 centimetres in height. The flowers are scarlet. This is a winter-grower.
This evergreen bulb is closely related to the widespread Haemanthus albiflos and it is just as easy in cultivation.
En estos momentos tenemos pocos productos en esta categoría Flores Vistosas