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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
Semi-evergreen shrub with deep green foliage and long bloom time. This "Glossy abelia" has abundant lavender pink flowers and showy red calyces . Highly fragrant! The leaves retain the reddish foliage all summer long. Frost tolerant, while evergreen in frost free climates.
This shrub is both an ornamental plant and a nutritious vegetable, Abelmoschus manihot 'Chief Kubo's' has bright red leaf stalks holding deeply cut palmate leaves and hibiscus-like, light yellow flowers. Both are edible. It can reach 1 or 2 meters but can be maintained at a smaller size in a pot.
This shrub is both an ornamental plant and a nutritious vegetable, often called Aibika. It was domesticated in South Asia and spread to Papua and the Pacific islands. This smooth cultivar, with wide palmate leaves, is a superior strain from Melanesia.
This shrub is both an ornamental plant and a nutritious vegetable, often called Aibika, but a hundred different names are used in different countries. It was domesticated in South Asia and then spread to Papua and the Pacific islands.
Frost-hardy exotic-looking shrub with showy pendulous flowers reminiscent of chinese lanterns.
Exotic Acacia from the SW Pacific, with very wide glossy phyllodes. It produces yellow flowers and twisting legumes. It grows as a shrub or tree to 10 m, depending on the conditions. It grows in pots and can be trained as a hedge. It is native to Vanuatu and New Caledonia, but it is also found in NE Australia.
Tropical garden shrub with leaves speckled in cream-white. This plant is a winner and it is more robust than other white-variegated varieties.
Wow! This old cultivar has unusually round and contorted leaves. These are dark-green with dainty cream-white margins.
Red leaves with a mix of different reds, creating incredible patterns from cherry-red to burgundy. Acalyphas are fast growing shrubs and can live in pots. Extracts of this cultivar have shown antimicrobial activity
This Acalypha with huge chequered leaves. is the one with the largest leaves. They are 20-40 cm long! The dominant colour is a purple-black and variegation of different tones appear here and there.
Old classic cultivar with pointed copper leaves with creamy margin. This cultivar is hardier than others to cold and grows at cooler temperatures. These tropical garden shrubs can be pruned and grown in pots.
Red to almost-Black, round, ruffled leaves ! Mooreana has a more erect habit and does not spread horizontally as much as other cultivars. Just as easy to grow as any other acalypha.
What an exotic, wonderful shrub! Cat's tail acalypha or Chenille Plant is a showy rounded shrub, with wide green leaves and spectacular tails of bright red flowers, produced throughout the year. It loves HOT temperatures and will die with frost but it can be pruned and saved indoors every winter.
"Holly Mangrove" is a spiny but very ornamental aquatic shrub from SE Asia. Spikes of blue-pink flowers are produced throughout the warmer months.
This clumping palm is typically found in marshlands, with thin trunks up to 7 m tall. It is a symbol of the Everglades in Florida. Acoelorraphe tolerates brackish water and often grows with mangroves.
The African Baobab is a beautiful symbolic tree, able to attain a gigantic size. It is easy to cultivate in pots, as long as it is kept above 8 C and kept dry in winter, when leafless. Leaves are dark green, glossy and palmate. Flowers are an absolute beauty. The fruit is edible.
This is the most fabulous of all baobabs. It is a giant tree from Madagascar, forming a missile-like trunk.
The Australian Baobab, or Boab, is the only species existing outside of Africa and Madagascar. It is found in Northern Australia and grows into a huge bottle tree.
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