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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
Ornamental deciduous shrub to small tree native to Australia, 2-4 m tall . It flowers profusely before the new leaves appear. This is the cold-hardier form from Southern Queensland. It has beautiful deeply-lobed leaves and it can take frost to about -5 C.
Admirable bottle tree from Australia, it grows a magnificen swollen green-gray trunk and a symmetrucal criown.
This variegated clone is a rainbow of colourful foliage: white sprays on green, red and pink leaves. Perfect for pots and patios.
2 years old, Stem height: 15-20 cm , Unusual "palm-like" Hawaiian plant, with a succulent stem swollen at the base. Flowers are cream - white and fragrant. It is critically endangered in the wild, because its pollinator is now extinct, so the plant does not set seeds well enough. Itt is native to steep, volcanic cliffs and it thrives in pots, even in...
This "Giant Blue Salvia" is a shrub from Cool-tropical Africa. It grows in a quintessentially tropical shape, with large opposite dark green leaves and monumental sprays of electric blue-purple flowers, lasting for some months. Grows in the coastal Mediterranean.
Cadia is an ornamental shrub from Eastern Africa and Arabia, at 500-2100 m asl. It has graceful arching branches with pinnate leaves and bell-shaped pink to purple flowers.
Evergreen bulb with ornamental foliage and flowers. With its white blooms, it looks like a miniature Eucharis, and actually the genus Caliphruria is related to Eucharis
Pack of 2 rosettes of 10-20 cm - Ornamental creeping plant with funnel-shaped rosettes producing tall spikes of cream-white flowers. It is a semi-succulent, said to have medicinal properties. It can be grown in baskets, simple pots or as a ground cover.
Callistemon citrinus, commonly called scarlet bottlebrush, lemon bottlebrush or red bottlebrush, is a large evergreen tropical shrub native to Australia.
Purple leaved canna, commonly cultivated in Northern Tenerife. Thick purple leaves are held erect and have some bluish tones.
Mid-sized canna with very simple red flowers with orange-marbled throats. It is robust and ever-blooming. This is possibly a wild form or an old cultivated strain brought from Venezuela many years ago.
Mid-sized canna with very simple yellow flowers with orange-marbled throats. It is robust and ever-blooming. This is possibly a wild form or an old cultivated strain brought from Venezuela many years ago.
Fabulous tropical foliage from a cold-hardy Canna! Up to 2 meters in height, with large bold erect leaves, with wavy margins. Leaf colour is absolutely vibrant, glossy red, burgundy, and dark green. It is reminiscent of the famed tropical Heliconia indica with red foliage.
This variegated Canna selected in Germany produces leaves variably variegated with stripes of different shades of white. Also the flowers are often variegated! It loves moisture and can reach anything between 1 and 3 m in height, depending on the length of your growing season.
The highly ornamental species is native to a small area in southeastern coastal Madagascar by Saint Lucie, in the humid coastal forest and there is threatened with habitat loss from deforestation and mining. Leaves are succulent, dark green and glossy and flowers are deep purple and showy, with a metallic shine.
Mediterranean capers are an incredible source of flavour. Plants grows on sunny and rocky slopes, often by the coast. They are winter-deciduous and come back each year with lovely rounded leaves, which are often purple when they sprout.
Spiny evergreen shrub with fragrant jazmine-like flowers and red, fleshy fruits. They are edible and sweet despite bleeding a white sap when cut.
American shrub often called "yellow oleander" because of its closeness to Nerium oleander. It is easy to grow in Warm Mediterranean to Tropical conditions. It responds very well to pruning so it can be easily wintered indoors. It was formerly named Thevetia peruviana
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