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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
This species has very dark green leaves with remarkable yellow spots. They are glossy, up to 50-60 cm long, with elegant pendant tips. It is frost-hardy to about - 10 C.
NEW!Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Ginga' is most always sold in the trade as Aspidistra 'Milky Way'. - See more at:
Incredibly useful tree. Its leaves are both an insecticide and a healthy vegetable, widely eaten in Asia and used for health. It is very important for ecological agricolture. Leaves and most of its parts are used for different purposes
Banksia integrifolia, commonly known as the coast banksia, is a species of tree that grows along the east coast of Australia.
Very ornamental tropical tree with large, glossy, deep-green leaves and unreal, spectacular white flowers. Fruits are also incedible as they are "cubic". They
All purpose spinach, but also an ornamental groundcover or climber for shady, wet places. Basella alba grows fast in hot, humid and lightly shaded conditions. Leaves can be picked continuosly and are often eaten lightly cooked, as a spinach.
The most unusual of all the Bauhinias from Madagascar. This shrub has very architectural growth with small nice foliage and lots of blue-violet flowers. It takes harsh and cool conditions, so it is suitable for coastal Mediterranean gardens.
This small and showybegonia is native to Sabah in Borneo. Leaves are peltate and pointed at both ends. They are bright green, dotted with red-burgundy spots. It was described in 1990 and it rather easy to grow.
What a beauty! This plant came out of the brazilian forests, and it soon became one of the most sought after indoor plants. According to begonia experts, this a "Spotted-leaf angel-wing cane-type begonia" and indeed the wings are dotted with silver circles.
Begonia venosa is a shrubby species. Between 60 and 90 cm tall, it grows forming large solid and branched stems, covered with large translucent stipules with red veins. Its leaves have whitish-silver dots and it produces white flowers.
What a beauty! This plant came out of the brazilian forests, and it soon became one of the most sought after indoor plants. According to begonia experts, this a "Spotted-leaf angel-wing cane-type begonia" and indeed the wings are dotted with silver circles.
Beautiful rounded "crispy" leaves, with incredibly rugged blades. The leaves of this South American hybrid Begonia are dark green above and pink-red below.
Evergreen shrub or small tree, with glossy ornamental foliage and wide pink flowers. Its fruits are the source of a popular food colouring and flavouring, but also used for body painting and lipstick. It can grow in large pots.
The Bulb! Boophane is widespread in dry areas of South Africa, to Angola and Cameroon.
This is an old classic bougainvilla, and it is hardier to cold than most types. It has very dark green leaves and an unmistakeable vibrant pink colour.
"Hot"pink selection of the popular bougainvillea.
This robust cultivar produces bold sprays of colourful bracts with different shades of red to orange.
This is a shrubby compact Bougainvilla, almost spineless and self-supporting. It keeps a lovely, tidy look because it does not spread, climb or scramble. It is perfect for pots. This is also an "everblooming" selection and in warm climates will have flowers almost all-year-round.
Yellow to orange bracts - this is the only yellow Bougainvilla grown in the gardens of Tenerife. a robust shrub or climber suited to mediterranean to tropical conditions.
Bowiea is one of the most unusual bulbs, attractive because of its beauty and weirdness. The common name "climbing onion" is appropriate, as the plant is a gray-green bulb, often growing exposed above ground and during the growing season it builds a soft climbing green shoot which also bears flowers.
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