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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
2 year old bulb - Yellow flowered desert Crinum native to dry, hot areas in South Australia. It is closely related to the white-flowered Crinum flaccidum. It is a beautiful compact plant, and it is rare in cultivation.
Mid sized crinum native to semi-aquatic environments including swamps. It can be grown in dry soil too. It flowers profusely with umbels of white flowers.
This flowering bulb native to South Africa grows into a large clump of elegant flat wide leaves, up to 1 m long. Bulbs are very large, up to 20 cm in diameter and the mostly stay above soil. It is a supreme Crinum for the garden and takes light frost. We ship a gigantic bulb, ready to bloom in less than one year.
This flowering bulb native to South Africa grows into a large clump of elegant flat wide leaves, up to 1 m long. Bulbs are very large, up to 20 cm in diameter and the mostly stay above soil. It is a supreme Crinum for the garden and takes light frost. We ship a gigantic bulb, ready to bloom in less than one year.
Very ornamental Crinum, with glossy scented flowers. Petals are wide and white , with a rich red stripe. It is great as a garden plant or in large pots.
Black Crinum. Spectacular architectural plant with purple-black leaves. The large crown can grow up to 1,8 m (5 ft) tall, with sword-like leaves of unbelievable colour. Developing inflorescences look like black swans as they
Here we offer a larger plant of this Black Crinum. Spectacular architectural plant with purple-black leaves. The large crown can grow up to 1,8 m (5 ft) tall, with sword-like leaves of unbelievable colour. Developing inflorescences look like black swans as they
Classic graden hybrid which is very robust an almost ever-blooming. Glossy white and pink flowers are produced in erect umbels. It is reproduced by carefully removing pups from the base. We offer a large rooted pup that can bloom in less than one year.
Dwarf "black" crinum with dark red leaves and showy pink flowers. It looks just like a miniature of the much larger Crinum procerum splendens. It is possibly a hybrid of that black Crinum and the dwarf Caribbean species Crinum oliganthum. Quite new in the Market!
This Crinum is an old, classic hybrid which is a re-bloomer (it blooms at least twice a year). Umbels hold about 10 large pink flowers. It is resistant to mild frosts.
This Crinum is an old, classic hybrid which is a re-bloomer (it blooms at least twice a year). Umbels hold about 10 large pink flowers. It is resistant to mild frosts.
Hard to find shrub native to the Dominican Republic. It bears lots of outstanding, scented, cream-coloured trumpets. Leaves are glossy. It resists to harsh conditions.
This easy to grow aquatic is known by everybody as the Egyptian papyrus. It does better when partly submerged and it grows anywhere from the Mediterranean to the tropics.
One flowering-sized bulb. This nice Cyrtanhus is one of the easiest to grow, while it is still far from being common in cultivation. It is native to moist grassland or rocky streambanks in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal and takes short, light frosts. It can bloom once or twice a year, in the warmer months.
This South African bulb is native to the Cape region, It is the most striking members of the genus, with abundant umbels of large scarlet flowers occuring from late summer to fall. It grows very well in coastal Mediterranean climates. Also the leaves are beautiful, large and dark green, arranged in two ranks, evergreen. It grows well in pots and makes...
Bulb, 2-3 cm diameter. This is one of the hard-to-find species of Cyrtanthus. It is a cliff-dwelling plant only known from a few localities in the Cape region of South Africa. Our old mother plants were originally grown from habitat-collected seeds.
Oh-oh! This is a truly well-done cross of two elegant and evergreeen wild South African species: One is the coral-red, freely blooming C.elatus, and the other is the more elusive C.obliquus with hanging blooms and a bold habit. All the best was inherited and now we have this good garden or pot subject.
Pale green leaves open up in tufts of fluffy fibres. A robust Dasylirion from high altitude desert regions in central Mexico that develops a short trunk, often holding multiple crowns of pale green leaves with frayed leaf tips. Native to dry areas of Oaxaca and Puebla, in Mexico.
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