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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
This Dwarf Coral Tree is native to Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico. It is a shrub with white bark, erect growth and truly showy scarlet flowers. It is suited to warm temperatate to subtropical climates. Its small size and frost resistance ( to about -6 C !) make it suitable for Northern latitudes.
Dwarf Coral Tree is native to Natal, in South Africa. It is a densely branched deciduous shrub, with scarlet flowers on black flower stalks, standing above the foliage during a long time. It is suited to mediterranean climates and takes light frosts.
Small tree from dry South Africa with unusually thick branches and unsually wide trifoliate leaves. These are gorgeous, velvety, with a few spines. It is very ornamental. It starts its life with a caudex and can stay in a pot for eons, keeping a nice caudex with very short shoots. Inforescences show the fabulous classic erythrina-red colour and flowers...
Tree 4-20 m tall, with corky bark and hooked spines on the branches. The flowers have the beautiful red so typical of the genus Erythrina.
Wili-wili, or Erythrina sandwicensis is endemic to the dry side of the Hawaiian Islands. It is almost a succulent plant, as it often grows on dry lava rock, with a thick trunk. Flower colours range through different hues and each specimen is different: they can be Green to Yellow to different types of Orange.
Erythrina velutina - Mulungu Majestic tree which is both ornamental and useful, with bright orange-red flowers. It is found in seasonally dry forests of much of South America and it is used in popular medicine throughout most of its range.
This Australian Erythrina is incredibly attractive shrub to small tree, with unmistakeable bat-wing trifoliate leaves. It is graceful and easy to grow. It grows in dey areas and develops a thick base: a caudex which grows very thick both underground and above ground. It is suitable to pot colture and the caudex can be exposed as a potted "bonsai".
This is the pink form of a fabulous exotic bloom! "Torch gingers" are tropical ornamental plants of supreme beauty. The torch-like inflorescence is produced at eye level and the vegetative shoots are also very elegant. It is used as a food ingredient for delicacies in SE Asia and also as a medicine.
Eucharis x grandiflora is a natural hybrid of Eucharis moorei x Eucharis sander. It is a semi-evergreen bulbous plant with glossy leaves and white, large, fragrant flowers.
Short succulent shrub from the Canary Islands and different parts of Africa.
Ornamental shrub with purple leaves and small yellow flowers. This euphorbia reminds the cold-temperate shrub named Cotynus. It is easy to grow in full sun. It is deciduous in winter and it tolerates drought, pot colture and hard winter pruning.
This is an elegant hybrid of Monadenium coccineum with an unknown father.
Rarely cultivated shrub endemic to the island of Socotra. It grows in rocky harsh areas and it is especially abundant at about 1000 m elevation. It is closely related to Euryops arabicus and thrives in coastal Mediterranean conditions. It is suited to pot culture and also makes a nice garden subject for dry sunny areas.
This classic clone of Farfugium is still unsurpassed in beauty. Leaves show many different hues of white. This variegated 'Argenteum' adds light to a shady spot in the garden. It has been around for more than a century but it is still only grown by specialized nurseries because it is slower than other cultivars.
This is one of the oldest cultivars of the "Leopard Plant", and it is the one that gives the name because of its showy spots. It is still one of the most used and loved forms. This cultivar of Farfugium japonicum does not grow very large, and the glossy blotched leaves are a show indeed.
Large sized Farfugium with different leaves. "Escargot" means snail in French, and in this cultivar of Farfugium leaf margins are a bit "squared" and leaf lobes do overlap, forming a spiral reminiscent of a snail. The whole leaf looks like a snail... with some good fantasy. Some experts believe that 'Escargot' is a hybrid between Farfugium 'Giganteum' and...
This cultivar produces the largest leaves, very glossy and deep dark green. And it is also more robust in genera.
Felicia amelloides is an attractive blue daisy, native to South Africa, from sandy coastal areas with rain all year round. It is easy in cultivation, in pots or as a mixed-border plant. It endures a wide range of temperatures, including some light frost.
Truly exotic flowers, star-shaped, with frilly margins, speckled in maroon and yellow, with a sweet vanilla scent. They come out of fan-arranged leaves that grow from tiny underground corms. It is native to the Cape Province in South Africa.
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