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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
This ornamental hybrid is a showy bulbous perennial and flowers repeatedly from July to October with gorgeous pink flowers. It is evergreen and the whole plant looks a bit like some tropical Crinum species but it is a frost-hardy plant, good to create a tropical look in a non tropical garden.
Atro-viridis means dark-green in Latin: Leaves have wide leaflets and a red margin. They are also all-red below and the petiole has red blotches. The inflorescence is a beauty too.
This species stands out for the beauty of its wide inflorecence, which is "chocolate coloured", with changing hints of purple, reds and greens.
Marvelous inflorescence with a red-to-blue spadix coming out of a cream white spathe. The leaf is solitary, with tapering leaf tips and spectacular prominent midribs (seen from below). This hard to find Amorpho is native to Peninsular Thailand to Peninsular Malaysia, where it grows on limestone.
Amorphophallus polyanthus is found in one location in NE Thailand, where it grows in deep shade at the base of rocky outcrops. It is low-growing, with rounded-rhombic leaflets, 3-10 cm long, and nice inflorescences with short spathes with purple tones.
New! - Branched plant
Anthurium clarinervium has thick, cardboard-like leaves that take the shape of a nearly perfect heart. It sports beautiful, sparkling white veins against a deep green, velvety background.
Truly exotic aroid with narrow and long, penduluous , dark leaves and an unusal corkscrew inflorescence.
Four 14-20 cuttings - Creeping, fast growing groundcover mesemb with flowers in summer. This is the true A. cordifolia, with hearth-shaped leaves with bumpy surface and purple-pink flowers. It takes more cold than other aptenias.
Aptenias are excellent groundcover plants. They are creeping succulents, potentially evergrowing in the "mesemb" family: Aizoaceae. There are 4 species in the genus Aptenia and this A. haeckeliana is the beautiful one with the yellow flowers.
Interesting deciduous vine from Central and South America
Interesting deciduous vine from Central and South America
This "Rengarenga Lily" or "New Zealand Rock Lily" is an ornamental and useful perennial with lush foliage and fower stalks up to 1 m tall with abundant bright white flowers.
Butterfly Milkweed is grown as an ornamental plant. It lasts several years as a perennial if kept above 5C. The leaves are the favourite food of Danaus butterflies. If Danaus are in your region, plant a few and they will come !
This is one of the most beautiful aspidistras we grow. Leaves have a beautiful texture, with tiny elegant ribs, and a lot of well defined spots... sorry "Dots"... these are bright white but their outer edge is yellow and then dark green, so they stand out a lot.
Hard-to-find Japanese selection of "variegated" Aspidistra. It is not striped: each leaf develops a cream white "shade" in the upper part of the blade. Aspidistras make excellent pot plants for shade. They can live indoors or outdoors as they can take real frost.
This selection of Aspidistra elatior from Florida is a particularly nice, wide-leaf, solid dark green selection. It grows to at least 1 m tall with broad foliage that may exceed 15 cm in width. A bold garden specimen.
NEW! Variegated aspidistra with "frosted" mottled leaves and occasional stripes.
Wide exotic striped leaves rise from rhizomes. Aspidistra is a perfect indoor plant and a does well outdoors in the tropical-looking garden.
This is considered the most floriferous aspidistra, because its large flowers carpet the ground conspicuously during the winter months.
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