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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
This dracaena looks different from most others. It has showy mottled foliage held on thin bamboo-like stems. Also its white flowers are beautiful as they show up on sphaerical, fragrant inflorescences. It is native to the rainforest understorey of different West African countries and does well as a house plant in a bright room.
Ornamental, semi-succulent dragon-tree from summer rainfall areas South Africa. It grows on rocky slopes, attaining heights of 2-6 m. It is very uncommon in cultivation! This Dracaena is relativey fast growing and can attain blooming size in les than ten years. It will thrive in Mediterranean conditions, with little or no frost.
So ornamenta! This evergreen drimiopsis has succulent leaves with an incredible pattern of green rounded spots on a silvery-jade background. Spikes of white flowers are a nice addition in late summer and fall.
This Duranta is possibly the best. When the shrub is in flower, the translucent purple flowers with white margines shine!
Low growing Duranta with golden foliage and pale blue flowers, followed by the usual orange fruits. It is a moderate grower so it can be kept small. In the tropics, it is often used as a hedge.
Dark green leaves with white margins. This variegated cultivar is a strong grower with upright branches and even spines.
Flowering shrub endemic to the Atlantic rainforest, relative of the popular Solandra maxima. Its exotic flowers are green and and point downwards It tolerates cool conditions and short, light frosts.
Pick coconut-tasting chestnuts underwater and eat them raw! This is versatile aquatic plant domesticated in SE Asia. It starts growing when temperatures go up (in April?) and bears tufts of glossy thick leaves.
Beautiful caudex plant native to South Africa. It has an elegant mimosa-like foliage and builds an underground caudex to at least 30 cm in diameter.
This exciting ornamental is a cold-hardy mountain banana-relative, native to China. It grows banana-like leaves to height of about 1,5 m, and then blooms with a showy golden "artichoke", lasting for months.
Beautiful ensete with gigantic purple-red leaves on the leave edges, underside, vein and trunk.
This "mountain banana" comes from high-elevation tropical Africa and bears enomous leaves with a solid red rachis. It grows well in warm temperate and Mediterranean climates. It is not a true banana of the genus Musa, so its fruits are not edible. Nevertheless, in Africa the corms are regularly collected and eaten.
Very nice ornamental shade tree, highly appreciated for its ubrella shaped crown and the unusual black-brown round fruits
NEW! 10 cm Cutting - Pink- flowered selection of an excellent freely-blooming orchid. We offer small adult plants that can bloom in less than one year.
NEW! 10 cm Cutting - Red- flowered selection of an excellent freely-blooming orchid. We offer small adult plants that can bloom in less than one year.
It has a gained a reputation as a difficult plant, because it is very susceptible to rot in combination with low temperatures.
1-2 year old seedling. This "Dwarf Coral Tree" is native to Natal, in South Africa. It is a densely branched deciduous shrub, with scarlet flowers on black flower stalks, standing above the foliage during a long time. It is suited to mediterranean climates and takes light frosts.
A classic of subtropical gardening. This is one of the cold-hardiest coral-trees and it is quite easy to grow and bloom, with fabulous sprays of large coral-red flowers. It can be a small shrub to a tree of 10 or more meters in height.
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