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Hier finden Sie einige exotische Pflanzen- und Kräuterarten die noch keiner Kategorie zugeordnet wurden. Manche sind kleine krautartige Pflanzen, während andere große Bäume sind. Sie Akalyphas, Cordylines, Hoyas, Pandanus, Plumerien und andere, inklusive ungewöhnlicher Pflanzen. Tag für Tag werden wir merh und mehr interessante Objekte hinzufügen.
Orange flowered selection of the popular flowering shrub. Thevetia can grow and flower in a 16 cm small pot. It is often pruned in autumn and wintered indoors in frosty climates. Our plants will easily bloom in less than one year.
Subtropical shrub with a graceful pinnate foliage very long flowering season. The bright yellow inflorescences have a pleasant nutty scent if rubbed with the fingers.
Ornamental and useful tree from Australia, New Caledonia and Vanuatu. It typically bears yellow and red flowers at the same time. Chestnuts are edible and good too, but they have to be leached and cooked before eating.
In short words, this is the American Baobab. This American bottle tree is related to true baobabs of the genus Adansonia, which are only found in Africa, Madagascar and Australia: Cavanillesia also looks similar in habit because of its gigantic swollen trunk
The silk floss tree (Ceiba speciosa, formerly Chorisia speciosa) is a species of deciduous tree native to the tropical and subtropical forests of South America.
This botanical gem is a rare shrub in the daisy family, found only in two localities in Saudi Arabia and in a few high altitude cliffs of Yemen. It is definitely beautiful, because it bears large, pink-blue, centaurea-like inflorescences. It has silvery, velvety leaves and a nice erect and compact growth habit.
NEW ! - Subtropical flowering shrub with continuous production of orange inflorescences.
One of the most heavily scented flowers of all. This shrub produces sprays of yellow-green flowers with an incredible night scent.
The colour of these flowers change through the seasons! This shrubby cestrum is an excellent ornamental cross. Long-lasting flowers are profusely produced with different shades of pink and purple, according to the season. Look at our pictures and see! It is hard to believe they are taken on the same plant.
Appealing rosettes with a very intense orange midrib. This understorey plant grows well as a house plant. It naturally grows in dappled light in the rainforests of east Africa in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania. This plant was spread in the 90's with the commercial name 'Fire Flash' .
1 year old seedling, caudex: about 1 cm. This slow and hard to find asclepiad is endemic to the region of Dhofar, in Oman. Its tuberous roots are edible, but we think our customers will never have one for lunch!
Small shrub with wavy, grey leaves and clusters of rose-pink flowers, about 5 cm across. It takes harsh mediterranean conditions and frost to about -12 C. Cistus x Pulverulentus is a garden hybrid, obtained by crossing Cistus albidus x Cistus crispus. It has an extended flowering season, much longer than the average Cistus.
Shrubby-climbing plant bearing clusters of shocking white-red flowers on dark green ornamental leaves.
Subtropical scrambling shrub with bi-coloured blooms. It is an old cross developed for ornamental purposes and it flowers almost continuously.
Small ornamental tree, up to 7 m tall, which is used in parks and gardens for its dense shade and the pink-blue flowers.
Showy subtropical flower from South Africa, from an evergreen herbaceous plant with strap-shaped leaves arranged as a fan.
This clone produces good orange-red typical miniata flowers. Variegated clivias are just slower to grow and they cannot be reproduced easily by seed, as most of the progeny is non-variegated green, albino or shows weak variegation.
This is an old garden hybrid with continuous blooming, tolerant of many different conditions. Flowers are penduolous and very attractive. It becomes a great colourful groundcover in bright shade under trees.
Caribbean shrub or tree with glossy, leathery rounded leaves, often with white aerial roots. It is called "autograph tree" because you can write with a stick on the leaves and it will last forever! Clusia can grow in most conditions, from sun to shade, in pots, even as an indoor plant. It can take drought and long floods. It also stands intense heat and...
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